Joined: Oct 2020
I'd rather we were following a different thread, but as long as we're on this one then I say we finish it. My vote was for the Harbormaster's Office, but I suspect the community will vote us into Trident Lane. Insight Park isn't a bad direction, though. I'd be happy to see us go there. Although I really wish we had followed up on the Shrine earlier. So many places to see in only so much time. Indeed! Though I wonder if, in a choice between just the Harbourmaster's and Trident Lane, Trident Lane might be the better bet? To me, it felt more likely that the dragonborn's death was related to them seeing something they shouldn't have at Riverveins than the fight at the docks, and Riverveins seems to be close to Insight Park as well as to the cemetery. And the dagger seems to be linked to the dragonborn and might have been the short-bladed weapon used in the Insight Park killing. If we can find out more about who might have owned it, it could lead us to Riverveins and possibly closer to a solution to those two killings. Though of course the Harbourmaster fight could be linked after all, and whether either of the earlier deaths have anything to do with the butcher or the bard, or our ticking deadline to identify the Master in the next few days on pain of pain seems uncertain at the moment! If the Dragonborn was killed first, then for the dagger to have been used at Insight Park it would have to left at the cemetary after that killing. The Dragonborn was flayed, do we know his occupation, think it was tanner? Tanner, Gardener, Bard(or Sailor), Butcher. Anyone see a corrolation going on here? One that might lead to the next victim. I would think the Harbormaster would be a dead lead, I don't think these are crimes of passion, but by the fact that we're allowed to investigate there, it must have something continuing the lead.
Last edited by Sozz; 28/06/23 07:51 PM.
Joined: Jan 2021
I think that the Dragonborn was flayed for the qualities of his skin, just like some of the elf's eyes were removed for their qualities.
Wether the person doing the killing and the one doing the "redistribution of organs" is the same one, it's still up in the air.
I vote for Insight Park, to get more details about the third victim, then go from there.
Joined: Oct 2021
I'd rather we were following a different thread, but as long as we're on this one then I say we finish it. My vote was for the Harbormaster's Office, but I suspect the community will vote us into Trident Lane. Insight Park isn't a bad direction, though. I'd be happy to see us go there. Although I really wish we had followed up on the Shrine earlier. So many places to see in only so much time. Indeed! Though I wonder if, in a choice between just the Harbourmaster's and Trident Lane, Trident Lane might be the better bet? To me, it felt more likely that the dragonborn's death was related to them seeing something they shouldn't have at Riverveins than the fight at the docks, and Riverveins seems to be close to Insight Park as well as to the cemetery. And the dagger seems to be linked to the dragonborn and might have been the short-bladed weapon used in the Insight Park killing. If we can find out more about who might have owned it, it could lead us to Riverveins and possibly closer to a solution to those two killings. Though of course the Harbourmaster fight could be linked after all, and whether either of the earlier deaths have anything to do with the butcher or the bard, or our ticking deadline to identify the Master in the next few days on pain of pain seems uncertain at the moment! That's a good question, which is better? I guess I chose Harbormaster's Office because I didn't necessarily understand the dagger. We found a dagger by some cloth where the dragonborn may have been before washing ashore on the other side of the city? Which isn't even the place where the dragonborn claims to have been killed? The dragonborn claims to have never seen the dagger. Of course, that doesn't mean it's not the murder weapon. It's just... I feel like in the real world this would be a big leap, assuming this weapon is involved at all. But I accept that the dagger is involved. I'm just not sure how. That said. What could we possibly learn from someone about the dagger? I'm guessing there are tens of thousands of daggers sitting around in the setting, right? What are we hoping that someone can tell us, exactly? Is there a unique mark on the dagger we want to examine? I just don't get what we're hoping to accomplish. --don't get me wrong. I'm sure something good will come from this location, and I'm all for this game. It's just, I don't necessarily follow the logic train of each step.
Joined: Oct 2020
Well, our lead to the cemetary is from a scrap of canvas found on the beach with the markings of the stonemasons working there, so I think we're meant to infer the body was wrapped up in the canvas before being dumped in the harbor. The body was also flayed, the dagger might have been involved with that also. There is a mark on the dagger, from the armorer, so we're, I guess hoping they remember whose dagger it is.
Last edited by Sozz; 28/06/23 08:06 PM.
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If the Dragonborn was killed first, then for the dagger to have been used at Insight Park it would have to left at the cemetary after that killing. I'd taken it that the dragonborn was murder 2 from what the journalist said when we first saw him: "we had the killing at Insight Park, and then there was the nasty business of that dragonborn washing up at Silver Crescent Beach near Seatower". Though, now I read it again, first, "then" doesn't necessarily mean subsequently, it might just mean "as well" and, second, even if the dragonborn was found second it wouldn't mean he was killed second as we don't know how long he'd been in the water. In fact, if he did see something he shouldn't have at Riverveins, could it have been the killing of the person found in the hedge? I would think the Harbormaster would be a dead lead, I don't think these are crimes of passion, but by the fact that we're allowed to investigate there, it must have something continuing the lead. I think you're right that no matter where we go, though, there'll be something interesting to find that could lead us onto the right track. I still want to know what actually set us going on the first murder, though! JandK might be right we just happened to pass by and decide to make it our business, but I'd like some confirmation  .
"You may call it 'nonsense' if you like, but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!"
Joined: Oct 2020
Get ready for a Kaiser Soze reveal with Tav putting on a Top Hat in the last scene.
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Get ready for a Kaiser Soze reveal with Tav putting on a Top Hat in the last scene. 
"You may call it 'nonsense' if you like, but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!"
Joined: Oct 2020
Voted for Insight Park. I want to check out that crime scene plus have the druid get a prophecy from the Drawing Tree.
Joined: Aug 2021
Voted for Insight Park. I want to check out that crime scene plus have the druid get a prophecy from the Drawing Tree. I voted for Insight Park, too, for the same reasons. As for the dagger we've found: I wonder why a murderer would leave the weapon behind. Maybe they had been disturbed. Or (a very wild theory): Maybe someone (the man with the top hat?) is using spells to make people commit the murders? It wouldn't matter if the murder weapon is found, because the real murderer, the person using the enchantment spell, could not be associated with it. What Selwyn told us made me suspicious: "Then a strange man with a top hat approached me and he began whisperin' awful words in my ear, promisin' to fulfill my heart's most hidden desires. I never would have wished that death on my own worst enemy.” To me, this sounds as if the man with the top hat had cast a spell on Selwyn, and maybe Selwyn had involuntarily killed the butcher. I think our top hat man (Fel?) could be a warlock of the great old one, if I remember correctly, they get Dominate Person at 5th level. I also think it was the magically disguised top hat man who gave us the letter, not the real Magpie. I really enjoy this game! I'd love it if Tav could try to solve more cases - IF we can solve this one, and survive, that is.
Joined: Aug 2014
I voted for Insight Park, too, for the same reasons. I think the Harbormaster should be questioned soon. Specifically about anchors. Daggers can be hidden anywhere, but anchors? As for the dagger we've found: I wonder why a murderer would leave the weapon behind. Maybe they had been disturbed. Are we sure it is a murder weapon? It could have been used for flaying only. The dragonborn was killed elsewhere, with a blow to the head. What Selwyn told us made me suspicious: "Then a strange man with a top hat approached me and he began whisperin' awful words in my ear, promisin' to fulfill my heart's most hidden desires. I never would have wished that death on my own worst enemy.” To me, this sounds as if the man with the top hat had cast a spell on Selwyn, and maybe Selwyn had involuntarily killed the butcher. It is very suspicious. Especially because of what is left out. It is a very long jump from whispering words in an ear to death. Which death Selwyn was talking about? Tav apparently forgot to ask him about that. I also think it was the magically disguised top hat man who gave us the letter, not the real Magpie. That could be, but the person that gave the letter did have the same way of speaking as the real Magpie. I took that to be a hint.
Joined: Aug 2021
As for the dagger we've found: I wonder why a murderer would leave the weapon behind. Maybe they had been disturbed. Are we sure it is a murder weapon? It could have been used for flaying only. The dragonborn was killed elsewhere, with a blow to the head. You are right, the dragonborn was murdered at the riverveins entrance, so the dagger might have been used for flaying only. But somehow it is still weird to just leave it there. I hope we get a chance to visit the riverveins soon. I found a map for the Descent into Avernus campaign, and the rivervein tunnels and caverns were located between Insight Park and the Cliffside Cemetery, at the river bank of the Chionthar. I also think it was the magically disguised top hat man who gave us the letter, not the real Magpie. That could be, but the person that gave the letter did have the same way of speaking as the real Magpie. I took that to be a hint. When we first meet Magpie, he doesn't seem to be very confident, but the second time, he speaks with a confidence that belies his age. The sense of magic that we feel made me suspicious. Or maybe it was the real Magpie, but he was charmed, and this is what we notice. “That’s far enough, yeah?” he says with a confidence that belies his age. “Seems you've caught the eye of the one you're investigating. Wouldn't want to be in your shoes, I'll tell you what."
Letter. The youth hands over a sealed letter and with that he slips away down the alley.
Magic. While you observed the street urchin, you perceived something was not quite right about the situation. You have a sense of magic being used but cannot pinpoint what school or an exact spell.
Joined: Aug 2014
You are right, the dragonborn was murdered at the riverveins entrance, so the dagger might have been used for flaying only. But somehow it is still weird to just leave it there. I hope we get a chance to visit the riverveins soon. I found a map for the Descent into Avernus campaign, and the rivervein tunnels and caverns were located between Insight Park and the Cliffside Cemetery, at the river bank of the Chionthar. That is good to know. So the dragonborn and the other victim were murdered in the same area. Unfortunately, Insight Park is still off limits. Or maybe it was the real Magpie, but he was charmed, and this is what we notice. Yes, that seems to be the more plausible explanation.
Joined: Jun 2023
Just a thought: it seems like a hulking githyanki gravedigger would have the strength to impale an elven bard on a boat anchor. Also, she went to the weapon shop a month ago looking for a ritual blade that could be used for, you know, skinning dragonborn. Seems that she could be working for Sceleritas Fel.
Joined: Oct 2020
Going into a weaponsmith asking for a dagger designed for ritual bloodletting is...a little suspicious.
Thanks to the comment by the supplier about Fel whispering to him, I'm wondering if each murder was committed by a different person compelled by Fel this way.
Joined: Oct 2021
A statuesque bugbear? What is going on?
Joined: Jun 2023
Could be. My vote for the next place to go is Sorcerer's Sundries. Reasons: (1) we might learn more about the knife used to skin the dragonborn; (2) we might learn about a certain customer (or vendor?) with an animal-skeleton top hat.
I'm not a fan of the line of inquiry going after the town guardsman Rorke Stonevalor. I think it's more likely that he just profited off the deaths using Selwyn Leventide to fence body parts, as opposed to orchestrating the deaths himself.
I also could be convinced that a visit to the Harbormaster's Office would be worthwhile, since we might learn more about the first victim or where the anchor came from. I'd much prefer those two locations over Saint Sollars Way. Rorke is dirty and he's likely framing Selwyn to cover his own rear end, but I don't think following his trail will lead us to Sceleritas Fel.
Joined: Oct 2020
It seems like the impetus to follow one lead to its conclusion ended with the weaponsmith.
I voted for Sorcerous Sundries, mostly on the off-chance someone there might recognize a ritual being done through the murders. Though without knowing if anything was taken from the corpse at Insight Park that might be premature.
I thought the Harbormaster's Office, might give us another sighting of Fel, possibly when the Dragonborn first came to his attention. But if all the murders are taking place near Riverveins, then that doesn't totally follow.
Joined: Aug 2014
It seems that the game master(s) decided to provide us with the information that should have been learned if we had visited Insight Park: "the victim at Insight Park was found entwined in a hedge, stabbed to death with a short blade. There's nothing to tie these murders together yet". Now I definitely want to visit the harbourmaster first.
Joined: Aug 2021
Thanks to the comment by the supplier about Fel whispering to him, I'm wondering if each murder was committed by a different person compelled by Fel this way. I think so, too. I would focus on getting more information about Fel. This is a very wild guess, but could the retching man maybe - involuntarily - have killed the elf, magically compelled by Fel? I am glad we have the whole weekend to decide where to investigate next.
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I'm not a fan of the line of inquiry going after the town guardsman Rorke Stonevalor. I think it's more likely that he just profited off the deaths using Selwyn Leventide to fence body parts, as opposed to orchestrating the deaths himself. My temptation to keep focusing on Rourke is admittedly a bit tenuous. But given we've been threatened with a "thrilling death" if we don't identify Fel's master in a tenday then it feels as though that is a priority. And we were given the threatening letter by the urchin in Canary Lane, and it was when chasing that urchin (possibly that urchin!) that we bumped into skeleton-top-hat-man, who possibly nicked our unicorn-bunny foot talisman. That leads me to wonder whether that man is connected to Fel and the Master, or perhaps even Fel himself. And a top-hatted man also cropped up in the meat murders, whispering threats to Selwyn. Whereas, I don't think we have even a tenuous connection between the Master and the dragonborn and Insight Park murders yet, I think? I could easily have forgotten or missed something. Oh, and is it significant that the whisper to Selwyn was "promisin' to fulfill my heart's most hidden desires. I never would have wished that death on my own worst enemy"? That does sound like the kind of thing a "noxious angel" or "vulgar fiend" might threaten, but are the hidden desires pointing us to an incubus or similar perhaps? Incubi do have Charm abilities too, I think? This is a very wild guess, but could the retching man maybe - involuntarily - have killed the elf, magically compelled by Fel?
I am glad we have the whole weekend to decide where to investigate next. Interesting idea! I wonder if we will come across the retching man again or if what he would have said will forever remain a mystery! I'm also glad we have some time to ponder this one. My heart is pulling me to Insight Park and the prophesying tree, but my head as yet has no idea what to do!
"You may call it 'nonsense' if you like, but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!"