You're definitely not alone, OP, as various other folk have said this over the years. And it's true that a mute narrator option would probably be the easiest way to preserve the enjoyment of those unfortunate souls like yourself whose nerves she gets on.

Personally, I think Amelia Tyler does a fantastic job. I'll admit to begin with I was meh about the narrator voice, but as I've played more I've grown to appreciate how she can pack humour, sarcasm and a sort of eye-rolling tolerance into her performance with a barely noticeable change in tone. Somehow, for me, she manages to capture almost the tone of a typical video game narrator but convey just enough sense of a human behind the voice who is, like a DM, playing the game along with us. I'm definitely a convert.

Even more so after listening to the outtakes she released (another forum member shared the link here) which gave me more appreciation for her performance and sense of humour.

Though of course no amount of appreciation of a performance is going to help if you just find a voice like fingernails down a blackboard. I've been there with other games and I feel for you.

"You may call it 'nonsense' if you like, but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!"