Of course now that Tav is dead, it will now fall to his long lost brother, Gus, to save the day. I'll admit I think the ending was a bit anticlimactic too, but only because it seems like we were still in the process of our due diligence when the final confrontation occurred.

The implication from the video does seem to be that the Dragonborn serial killer is going to be the last origin character. I wonder how all the Astarion haters will take that. I'm guessing this is the origin character for, and parodying, a Murder-Hobo PC.

I'm trying to recall all the places we never got to, We never talked to the vomiting sailor, we never went to Eastward Expeditions, apartment of the widow and guard, the Harbormaster's Office, the Market Street butcher, the gambling den and money-lender. I think the only ones of them that would have given us something we can't deduce are the Harbormaster's Office and, now that we know Crane was murdered, Eastward Expeditions.