Joined: Sep 2017
If I go full custom party from the get go, I can ignore hirelings, right? So hirelings don't increase your party size? They are just gap fillers if you want to have a certain class that is not covered by the companions? Or which function do hirelings have if you already have a custom party of four? Hirelings have no function if you have a custom party, unless somehow one of them permanently died.
Joined: Oct 2020
- Stealth is apparently still broken. No word on spells and spellcasting mechanics, shove, dodge, ability score rolling, multiclassing or any other thing that's been either absent or broken since EA launch. I don't know what I expected, but not this little.
Yeah, I will need to see if they did ANYTHING with it. My bet? Its working as they intended.
I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings.  Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are!
old hand
old hand
Joined: Jul 2023
I cannot even express how disappointed I am with this PFH. I feel robbed of my time.
But a crowd cheering over sex with a bear is too much. Entirely too much.
Right now I feel like after a long corporate presentation about how everything is great but nothing of substance was said. I thought the cheering was more like the nervous laughter of a room full of people desperate to show how cool they were while being as uncomfortable as hell.
Joined: Jan 2018
I cannot even express how disappointed I am with this PFH. I feel robbed of my time.
But a crowd cheering over sex with a bear is too much. Entirely too much.
Right now I feel like after a long corporate presentation about how everything is great but nothing of substance was said. I thought the cheering was more like the nervous laughter of a room full of people desperate to show how cool they were while being as uncomfortable as hell. No, they were just enjoying something that was silly and designed to be humorous.
Joined: Oct 2020
I cannot even express how disappointed I am with this PFH. I feel robbed of my time.
But a crowd cheering over sex with a bear is too much. Entirely too much.
Right now I feel like after a long corporate presentation about how everything is great but nothing of substance was said. I thought the cheering was more like the nervous laughter of a room full of people desperate to show how cool they were while being as uncomfortable as hell. No, they were just enjoying something that was silly and designed to be humorous. Agreed *unless* they go into full umm details behind the not safe for streaming banner. It can be cheeky or out right gross…
Joined: Oct 2020
From all the hollering I think they would have rioted if 1) wasn’t chosen.
People need to chill out
Joined: Jan 2018
I cannot even express how disappointed I am with this PFH. I feel robbed of my time.
But a crowd cheering over sex with a bear is too much. Entirely too much.
Right now I feel like after a long corporate presentation about how everything is great but nothing of substance was said. I thought the cheering was more like the nervous laughter of a room full of people desperate to show how cool they were while being as uncomfortable as hell. No, they were just enjoying something that was silly and designed to be humorous. Agreed *unless* they go into full umm details behind the not safe for streaming banner. It can be cheeky or out right gross… If they actually show any sex then the game ratings boards would have slapped a mature only rating on the game, so I don’t think they went the gross route. I personally do hope they parodied the terrible BioWare style sex scenes but with a bear, though. I fully endorse that level of shenanigans.
Joined: Nov 2021
My thoughts:
- Character creation seems great. It doesn't seem like there is a preview option for future class levels, but everything else looks great. It seems like a lot of effort went into Dark Urge, so I imagine that will be rewarding to those that are interested.
- It was interesting that Wyll's dialog was completely rewritten. I have to imagine it is for the better. I was surprised that Larian seemingly decided to add patron interation for all warlocks. It will be interesting to see how that was implemented.
- I am still not incredibly impressed with the quality of the writing, but I don't think it is going to ruin the game for me either. I am sure there will be a mishmash of cringeworthy and brilliant dialogue. That being said, it is going to be hard to do a lot of iterative editing when there are so many cinematics to record. With the need for so many permutations and cinematics, I guess editing is a necessary sacrifice.
- I am hugely impressed by the cinematics team. The voice and physical acting is just amazing. To me, the cinematics are the main selling point of the game.
- It doesn't seem like combat / stealth mechanics are notably different from early access. Hopefully some of the streamers visiting Larian will be able to comment on any significant changes to game mechanics.
Joined: Dec 2020
A couple of the Cyberpunk sex scenes actually felt like legit sex scenes. Larian sex scenes feel more like awkward comedy skits. I'm never sure if they're supposed to be taken seriously, or I'm supposed to be laughing, like the crowd today with the bear/man love.
Joined: Feb 2017
I cannot even express how disappointed I am with this PFH. I feel robbed of my time.
But a crowd cheering over sex with a bear is too much. Entirely too much.
Right now I feel like after a long corporate presentation about how everything is great but nothing of substance was said. I thought the cheering was more like the nervous laughter of a room full of people desperate to show how cool they were while being as uncomfortable as hell. No, they were just enjoying something that was silly and designed to be humorous. You are correct, anyone who took that seriously has a bigger issue, they should go back to complaining about the toilet chain and/or stealth. As for me, I enjoyed the panel, cheers Larian
Joined: Jan 2018
I’m not sure if it was mentioned already, but Swen did casually mention my favorite spell, Shield, in the opening. This gladdens me.
Joined: Dec 2020
Tbh, I think, Wylls backstory did fit him well, so I hope, they keep at least parts of it.
"We are all stories in the end. Just make it a good one."
Doctor Who
old hand
old hand
Joined: Jul 2023
Speaking of the audience, that Josh who asked the second question: talk about 'the ego has landed'. Absolutely full of himself then brown-noses Swen with a 'softball' question (forgive my Americanism). Eh, I really like Josh’s content. He has this very posh, high brow way of speaking. A southern, middle-class English accent doesn't necessarily equate with intelligence. I could rattle off a list of Tory MPs as proof.
Joined: Jan 2018
Tbh, I think, Wylls backstory did fit him well, so I hope, they keep at least parts of it. I’m really intrigued by this. I was not planning on playing any origins, but they seem to offer such a different sort of experience, and I’ll definitely be replaying this game a lot, so why not? When I do play an origin start, Wyll is at the top of my list.
Joined: Jul 2023
I cannot even express how disappointed I am with this PFH. I feel robbed of my time. - Lots of focus on romance and cosmetics. The character creator looks beautiful, but is this really what people care about most?
- Absolutely zero focus on mechanics aside from a brief talk about difficulty settings and the monk class which told us nothing that wasn't already in the gazette.
- Stealth is apparently still broken. No word on spells and spellcasting mechanics, shove, dodge, ability score rolling, multiclassing or any other thing that's been either absent or broken since EA launch. I don't know what I expected, but not this little.
- The new 'origin story' is yet another edgy pandering to murderhobos and psychopaths. How did this win over a halfling bard with a soothing voice? We had plenty morally ambiguous or outright evil companions already.
- I'd like to think I'm fairly open-minded about controversial things in videogames, let people enjoy what they enjoy. But a crowd cheering over sex with a bear is too much. Entirely too much. What the f*ck is wrong with you Larian?
Right now I feel like after a long corporate presentation about how everything is great but nothing of substance was said. Worse than that, no amount of absinthe is going to let me take Halsin seriously ever again and I feel horrible second-hand embarrassment for anyone involved in the making of that scene. I'm mourning Helia, the halfling bard with you. I'm still excited for the game, but I could do with less juvenile edgyness tbh. I pretty much had Larian's number by now, but WOW they actually cheeped me out in the beginning. Seeing Sven with childish glee for his acts of cruelty was like watching a train wreck. I really expected nothing from the last origin character so I'm glad its optional. No thank you, I don't need a demented psychopath whispering on my shoulder. Once we got past the bad sex, I was impressed by a few things. No great reveals, but the antagonists look well crafted and the story arcs show promise. P.S. This mod fixes stealth.
Last edited by Grizzmyt; 07/07/23 07:20 PM.
Joined: Oct 2020
If they actually show any sex then the game ratings boards would have slapped a mature only rating on the game, so I don’t think they went the gross route.
I personally do hope they parodied the terrible BioWare style sex scenes but with a bear, though. I fully endorse that level of shenanigans. I hope so. I remember in their mocap video, there was a screen of different sexual positions hinting they are going full pornhub. That being said they do show genitalia and with the Minthara camp scene, I suspect they are going full Monty on this. I am not so prudish to say it needs to be out; however, I hope for more soft core and not the close up “money shots” hard core scenes. Especially with a “large” bear… lol
Joined: Dec 2020
If they actually show any sex then the game ratings boards would have slapped a mature only rating on the game, so I don’t think they went the gross route.
I personally do hope they parodied the terrible BioWare style sex scenes but with a bear, though. I fully endorse that level of shenanigans. I hope so. I remember in their mocap video, there was a screen of different sexual positions hinting they are going full pornhub. That being said they do show genitalia and with the Minthara camp scene, I suspect they are going full Monty on this. I am not so prudish to say it needs to be out; however, I hope for more soft core and not the close up “money shots” hard core scenes. Especially with a “large” bear… lol Come on lol, you don't actually think they're going to show straight up penetration do you? That would automatically destroy their rating, and make streaming a nightmare.
Joined: Sep 2020
I’m not sure if it was mentioned already, but Swen did casually mention my favorite spell, Shield, in the opening. This gladdens me. Oh yes, Shield being in the game is actually huge. The only bit of relevant good news concerning mechanics and it was delivered underhandedly through a quip. No, they were just enjoying something that was silly and designed to be humorous. Agreed *unless* they go into full umm details behind the not safe for streaming banner. It can be cheeky or out right gross… It is exactly that banner that makes me think there's going to be a full-on scene in the final game. I can't decide if I see this as a pathetic and low attempt at gaining more publicity or simple humorous pandering to vocal Halsin fans taken a dozen steps too far.
Joined: Dec 2020
I’m not sure if it was mentioned already, but Swen did casually mention my favorite spell, Shield, in the opening. This gladdens me. Oh yes, Shield being in the game is actually huge. The only bit of relevant good news concerning mechanics and it was delivered underhandedly through a quip. No, they were just enjoying something that was silly and designed to be humorous. Agreed *unless* they go into full umm details behind the not safe for streaming banner. It can be cheeky or out right gross… It is exactly that banner that makes me think there's going to be a full-on scene in the final game. I can't decide if I see this as a pathetic and low attempt at gaining more publicity or simple humorous pandering to vocal Halsin fans taken a dozen steps too far. Well, I can guarantee you that if they did go straight up bear vs man hardcore porn, a lot of the 'giggle Halsin is so dreamy' types will suddenly have a rude awakening lol. Actually, that would be hilarious.
Joined: Oct 2020
Overall I am happy with the direction of the game.
1, Having black and white morality isn’t my thing. So the party alignment is fine as long as I can influence their narrative. 2, Really want multiclassing - most things strongly hint at it and confirm it. Sven hasnt proclaimed it from on high but I pretty confident that it’s in. 3, I love the idea that the game can be over 300 hours long. 4, don’t like being limited to just four party members, but it’s ok.