Originally Posted by crashdaddy
You can't get 17 without a stat bonus, 15 is max in 5e
Well, im no 5e expert like Niara ...
But even i know this is not true.

Since it depends on wich stat determining method are you using.

When you roll > you can get 17 quite easily, even more of them if you are lucky.
When you use Point Buy, or Standard Array > then you are corect.

And since the topic is about roll ... well ... i hope you get where am i aiming. smile

Originally Posted by crashdaddy
so they're definitely there, but now flexible (a +2 and a +1)
If everyone got "flexible +2 and +1" ...
Its even worse bullshit than Tasha was, and that itself set the bar pretty high. laugh

Originally Posted by crashdaddy
otherwise it would be pretty pointless to play a human when you can get the same stats with a race that gives additional benefits
That was my point.

Last edited by RagnarokCzD; 07/07/23 07:38 PM.

I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings. frown
Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are! frown