Originally Posted by 0Muttley0
Right now I am feeling very sad and let down.

During today's live-stream was THAT scene with Halsin in bear form. Even in redacted form it was enough to get them banned from TikTok. Possession of bestiality is illegal
here in the UK. And I have serious concerns about having a game that depicts actions that might, in the eyes of the law, be depicted as such. I do not want to potentially
risk getting into legal problems by owning this game, and as such have made Steam aware that I want a full refund, and for the game to be removed from my account. I
have no interest in coming back to the forums or seeing anybody's response to how I feel. I was only on the forums to enjoy the hype leading up to a game I was really looking
forward to playing. I'm now really sad as I have been looking forward to this game for three years, only for this to have been sprung on the community just before release.

Says the guy dressed in some sort of animal costume.... <SMH>

Last edited by Don Bartenstein; 07/07/23 07:58 PM. Reason: spelling typo