Originally Posted by Warlocke
Originally Posted by neprostoman
Originally Posted by RagnarokCzD
Removed ... or replaced by some random bullshit drawn from nowhere.
I dont see difference.

Well, I think @Aurora (sorry if mistaken) said on the forum that DnD One are going for this little pussycat (imo) kind of character creation where everyone wants to like play like fuuun and like fun equals attribute free world and like these attributes don't represent anything and like other stuff like for them to have fun, like, you know? I guess let them have it and stuff, I'll create my race as a canonical one and still have fun because I liked the old rules better, hehe

Maybe Wizards like called Larian and said like, yo man Swen Vinke (spelled right?/) it is 21th century now everyone want to have fun man remove the attributes!! And he was like okaaaay

That is not how D&D One works at all. They just made it so attributes are tied to your background instead of race so if you like non-traditional race-class pairings then you aren’t being penalized for it. There are still attributes, and they still matter just as much. This is a much better system.

And I’m not sure why you were playing D&D, but having fun was always the point of the game.

Hello, I could've made a wrong assertion or just forgot something... apologies! I've been playing DnD for fun tooo.. just different idea of fun, I don't know if my message conveyed it properly, but the thought was letting everyone have their fun at last. I am kinda bored by the whole conservative/modern player rivalry and can give up on their terms (the last ones') laugh