Originally Posted by Arkhan
Originally Posted by Aurora42
not sure how i should read your post, but it pretty much says, if other can play in ways i disaprove off, it should be removed, is that it ?

PS modesty filter, problem solved ?

No, it is not solved by a modesty filter. If the game has one single npc I can stomach having in my party, then it is a bad game for me. If the combat is cheesy and full of shoves and exploding barrels, that is a bad game for me. If I want to play a character with a particular moral position on life, and there is no content for that, then it is a bad game for me. If every romantic interaction in the game is cringeworthy and awful, it is a bad game for me. This IS a zero-sum game - every inclusion of shite reduces the fun we get from playing it. If I took a dump on your kitchen floor, I don't think you would be very happy with me telling you just to ignore it ("if you don't like it, don't look at it, or smell it").

Some games just don't live up to our expectations. But may be, just may be, give it a try. You could be able to make your playthrough cringe-less still.