I'm less disappointed with the variety and more with their writting. The EA origins are all surprisingly uncharismatic and antagonistic - they all get me to the point were I don't care about them. I don't see the point in helping them or even bother having them around as I don't care about their opinion or story. They are all high maintainance, judging and annoyingly 'superior' without any redeeming qualities.

I also don't care about companion races... He/She/They can be as unusal as it gets, but if they are badly written I won't bother. I don't even care if they are evil, neutral or good - all can be done in a manner to get you hooked and interested in their fate. EA has sadly shown none of that for me.

The one complaint I have though is adding Haslin to the small group already containing Jaheira. He might have been a fitting camp follower or contact NPC, but not party member. And since romances seem to be this extremely important part of the game (...) he could have even gotten his pointless sex scene. But I rather not end up having just the choice between Minsc, Jaheira and Haslin.

Last edited by biomag; 08/07/23 01:10 PM.