They are far closer to Witcher's 'Geralt' than Pathfinders pre-gen... see Amiri in pathfinder is a perfectly suitable companion, but not meant to be a player character.

The origin system from BG3 is... yeah... if you like to play someone elses fantasies they might be cool. Personally I don't. The only reason I played Geralt and ended up enjoying it from game 2 on is he has a character that resembles my morality well enough so I got along with him. But playing a predetermined class and a story in a game system that prides itself to empower the players imagination and wants them to experience their own stories - I don't see how the non-Dark_urge origins could ended up as a priority in the development of the game. To me they are infuriating. So many hours of content was created for a very small group of BG players ignoring the main audience expectation.

Again, if they would have been like Dragon Age's orgins or like the Dark Urge it would have been different. Just more backgrounds to choose from. Its 'fine-ish'. I'm bored as fuck about the edgelords we get, but it would have been more choices for players. The current origin characters are nothing more then the DM's personal favorites that if you don't want to play them, will get the spotlight while you watch them be heroes.