Joined: Oct 2020
Good primer on the different Tieflings including abyssal and variant.
Last edited by avahZ Darkwood; 08/07/23 01:15 AM.
Joined: Dec 2022
I really like the take of how DnD one will do half races... you can look as either parent race or a combination of any of their features... wich feels more right in my opinion
Joined: Oct 2020
Overall, liked what I saw with the character creation and more information about reactivity and permutations. If it works as designed it''ll be amazing to see play out. I am super pumped.
I muted most of the presentation in big chunks. I didn't want to see or hear anything spoilery and I'm pretty sure some of those sequences went on a long while.
I really don't see peoples disappointment with what was shown. It's still only idk, .5% of the game? We have no idea how other permutations of other things can play out if you RP differently. I'm sure there will be an equally amount of cool stuff for those playing good.
Even with the companions. It sounds like you can shape them over the course of your adventure to maybe change their ways. WotC hardly focuses on alignment anymore, they toned it way down, to the point I think they also told Larian to diminish a bit, which is why I think they went this route.
Having a character go "hue hue I'm the evil party member and nothing you can say or do will affect how I feel" is the furthest thing from a real person and very one dimensional. Quite frankly, it's boring. Events happen to people. Individuals come into each others lives and can change them for the better...or worse. This was my takeaway from the presentation.
Last edited by odesseiron81; 08/07/23 03:25 AM.
Joined: Apr 2020
Nothing really surprising. Larian marketing BG3 as a sex, dating simulator.
Party control is the same, no major new mechanics. I always hoped Larian had a big reveal for final release, but they never did. Companions are just reused characters from EA, mechanics are essentially the same, game also looks the same. Can't really say it will be a total fresh experience.
Also can't really stand Larian non-stop goofiness, it really ruins the story for me. Gale's entrance was already stupid in EA, now is even more ridiculous. Art direction is non-existent, everything is bland and plasticky. The city looks huge, but also very mechanic and artificial.
My last hope is that the reactivity and permutations will make the game worth checking.
Joined: Oct 2020
I really enjoyed the livestream Panel From Hell. I like all the new things that will available for the official launch. I am definitely looking for to playing the game from scratch and experience all the new things.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Mar 2022
Panel started great, nice cinematic and cool character creator walkthrough. We finally had confirmation of many things we asked on that side. The dark urge got revealed, while being an interesting idea (I loved WotR evil paths) I feel like making this an origin only thing was a letdown as many expected a new companion. Then the panel lost itself. I expected to see more of Baldur, instead we only got to talk to some random NPC and the panel became very horny for no apparent reason. Karlach relationship was sweet but then Larian REALLY wanted to show that they don't answer to anyone and decided to crank it to eleven very fast, perhaps too fast even. The bear scene worked as a shock factor but really? Couldn't it be just an easter egg that you encounter in very rare circunstances? Did it needed to be shown in a PFH in front of a live audience and to the whole world? I feel like this could have been easily skipped and kept hidden until release, oh well... After that and a painful technical difficulty period, we get to see the monk. Nothing to say there it was a normal introduction that got the job done. We then get to see some gameplay in the form of a lot of cinematics. Splitting the view between two playthrough was a brillant idea. I just whised they would show more new features instead of story spoilers.
I can't say this was my favorite PFH, the most exhaustive? Perhaps. But I feel like the focus could have been better. We still have quite a lot of basic questions about the game but this time there isn't a patch note for a new update to answer them.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Jul 2023
Dragonborn is reptilians... that bear isnt a animal its a human... The form of the Dragonborn, while having reptilian features, is still https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HumanoidThe form of the druid is on all fours, with a head that proceeds outward directly from the spine rather than upright, It has no distinction between hands and feet, having only paws instead, without thumbs. Its ears are on the top of its head instead of the sides. It bears (pun intended) a resemblance to a real world animal while the dragonborn does not, and so is more reminiscent of an animal than the dragonborn. But don't ask me, ask the TikTok moderation team. Look, if you're into that, more power to you. But I'm going to talk on this forum about how it's weird because I think it's weird. All of that is complete nonsense. You say a dragonborn is humanoid then say a dragonborn does not resemble an animal. What do you think a human is? What do you think humanoid means? '-oid' means resembling and the humanoid refers to things that resemble but are not human. Githyanki, for example, are humanoid. You say a bear has a "head that proceeds outward directly from the spine rather than upright". Where do you think a human head "proceeds" from? From whence do you think the bear's head proceeds from when it is standing upright? Paws versus hands is just naming convention similar to flippers versus hands. The are differences between a bear's front and rear paws, they are not four identikit leg ends. A bear is a mammal while a dragonborn is reptilian so technically, a bear is the closer to a human. It's not about being 'into that'; it's about not having an attack of the vapours just because you saw it.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Jul 2023
Also can't really stand Larian non-stop goofiness, it really ruins the story for me. Gale's entrance was already stupid in EA, now is even more ridiculous. Art direction is non-existent, everything is bland and plasticky. The city looks huge, but also very mechanic and artificial.
My last hope is that the reactivity and permutations will make the game worth checking. Agreed. I think part of the problem with the aesthetics is the lack of weather - never rains, doesn't even have day/night. I was wondering if chopping off Gale's hand would mean that he never appears in the game or that he comes looking for the psycho who chopped it off. Made me laugh when they were trying to say the city was realistic because of all the people talking. A modern city is traffic noise and silent people walking around like zombies with the faces glued to their phones and wearing earbuds.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Jul 2009
Nothing really surprising. Larian marketing BG3 as a sex, dating simulator.
Party control is the same, no major new mechanics. I always hoped Larian had a big reveal for final release, but they never did. Companions are just reused characters from EA, mechanics are essentially the same, game also looks the same. Can't really say it will be a total fresh experience.
Also can't really stand Larian non-stop goofiness, it really ruins the story for me. Gale's entrance was already stupid in EA, now is even more ridiculous. Art direction is non-existent, everything is bland and plasticky. The city looks huge, but also very mechanic and artificial.
My last hope is that the reactivity and permutations will make the game worth checking. Good to also hear some critical voices. Dont forget that all those bad mechanics like chaining and stealrh still exist. Sadly ever since Mass Effect horny juveniles expect extensive "romance" scenes in rpgs. And like always Larian goes over the top. That effort would have bezter been invested in one more Origin/Companion or less railroading dialogue choices.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Jul 2023
I really enjoyed the livestream Panel From Hell. I like all the new things that will available for the official launch. I am definitely looking for to playing the game from scratch and experience all the new things. Such as? Most of the big new stories were in the two vids from a couple of weeks ago.
Joined: Oct 2021
Nothing really surprising. Larian marketing BG3 as a sex, dating simulator. One thing Larian admitted later in the PFH (I believe right toward the end) is that they were internally really struggling with how to market the game. They noted that there is so much to it, it is so big and the narrative is so vast/branching that picking a theme is rather difficult. I find that admission rather refreshing as I don't think a lot of companies would go into detail about that. I also do not view it as a 'humble brag' from them either. I think they genuinely built a game full of 200+ hours of legitimate hand crafted content and they are struggling with how to properly advertise it. So rather than having something more specific they are just throwing out things that are more broad or diving into things they know segments of their player base really enjoy. "IT IS HUGE AND YOU CAN PLAY FOR LIKE 200+ HOURS!" "THERE ARE 12 CLASSES AND 238496298364 SUBCLASSES!" "THERE ARE 800 SPELLS!" "ORIGIN CHARACTERS AND COMPANIONS! PLUS THIS MURDER ORIGIN THING AND WE FLASH SYMBOLS OF BHAAL ON THE SCREEN!" "YOUR CHOICES REALLY, REALLY, REALLY MATTER AND HAVE CONSEQUENCES UNLIKE ANY OTHER GAME!" "LOOK AT ALL OF THE CINEMATIC STUFF!" "THE CITY IS HUGE AND HAS 1000 PEOPLE IN IT!" "YOU CAN HAVE SEX WITH ALL OF THESE PEOPLE AND LOOK AT ALL OF THE WEIRD STUFF YOU CAN DISCOVER IN OUR GAME LOL!" And the above talking points seem fairly accurate based on what they have presented. But it makes you wonder if maybe the scope of the project is too big and lacks focus. I have some doubts about the game, but I also trust Larian to deliver. I loved DOS2 and I thought Early Access was a very enjoyable experience. But I guess we'll find out in about three weeks!
Jhe'stil Kith'rak
Jhe'stil Kith'rak
Joined: Oct 2021
Dragonborn is reptilians... that bear isnt a animal its a human... The form of the Dragonborn, while having reptilian features, is still https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HumanoidThe form of the druid is on all fours, with a head that proceeds outward directly from the spine rather than upright, It has no distinction between hands and feet, having only paws instead, without thumbs. Its ears are on the top of its head instead of the sides. It bears (pun intended) a resemblance to a real world animal while the dragonborn does not, and so is more reminiscent of an animal than the dragonborn. But don't ask me, ask the TikTok moderation team. Look, if you're into that, more power to you. But I'm going to talk on this forum about how it's weird because I think it's weird. All of that is complete nonsense. You say a dragonborn is humanoid then say a dragonborn does not resemble an animal. What do you think a human is? What do you think humanoid means? '-oid' means resembling and the humanoid refers to things that resemble but are not human. Githyanki, for example, are humanoid. Yeah. A githyanki is humanoid because it is not human but resembles one because it is bipedal, has a nose and mouth and eyes in the front of its face, has ears on the side of its head, and has feet with a heel and toes on opposite ends, along with opposable thumbs, and an upright spine. I didn't realize I can go into nature and see a dragonborn in the wild. Man, I've been missing out. You say a bear has a "head that proceeds outward directly from the spine rather than upright". Where do you think a human head "proceeds" from? From whence do you think the bear's head proceeds from when it is standing upright? Please familiarize yourself with this article, particularly the portion relating to vertebral column and skull: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_skeletal_changes_due_to_bipedalismI'll help: "The human skull is balanced on the vertebral column. The foramen magnum is located inferiorly under the skull, which puts much of the weight of the head behind the spine. The flat human face helps to maintain balance on the occipital condyles. Because of this, the erect position of the head is possible without the prominent supraorbital ridges and the strong muscular attachments found in, for example, apes. As a result, in humans the muscles of the forehead (the occipitofrontalis) are only used for facial expressions." The skull of the bear is not balanced on the vertebral column. It proceeds directly outward. The skull of a dragonborn is balanced on a vertebral column. An upright dragonborn is looking outward when staring straight ahead. An upright bear (a real animal btw) is looking down when staring straight ahead. Paws versus hands is just naming convention similar to flippers versus hands. The are differences between a bear's front and rear paws, they are not four identikit leg ends. A bear is a mammal while a dragonborn is reptilian so technically, a bear is the closer to a human.
It's not about being 'into that'; it's about not having an attack of the vapours just because you saw it. There's no vapors here. Just someone who thought fucking animals was weird and going to a forum to say it's weird. Not asking for it to be removed, not asking for any developers to lose their jobs, not asking for anyone to be cancelled. Just someone having an opinion different than yours on a forum, which is a place designed for dialogue. But it is an awfully defensive stance to have for someone having a different opinion and who is just riffing with others in the forum on how ridiculous it is. Anyway, I'm not going to get into the difference between the variation of tarsals, metatarsal, and phalanges between human hands and feet as opposed to a bear's front and rear paws, but I think you should go through life referring to an animals front appendages as hands and rear appendages as feet from now on. Mammals are closer to humans than reptiles. But, once again, last I checked, there's no such thing as a dragonborn and there is such thing as a bear. And the existence of a dragonborn, i.e., a reptile with human-like facial structures, bipedal morphology, opposable thumbs, and an enlarged head for a greater brain size would be one hell of a case of convergent evolution that I'd be inclined to investigate it for divergent evolution instead. Though technically a bear is phylogenetically closer to a human than a reptile, the bear is closer to the left on this diagram, and the dragaonborn closer to the right: ![[Linked Image from researchgate.net]](https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Sheela-Athreya/publication/338878535/figure/fig1/AS:985706197417984@1612022079229/Evolution-of-Man-Illustrations-such-as-this-depicting-the-stages-of-human-evolution.png) I came off as snippy and obnoxious here (not the first time). Sorry about that.
Last edited by Zerubbabel; 08/07/23 03:42 PM.
Remember the human (This is a forum for a video game):
Joined: Aug 2020
So to talk about more PFH stuff, something I'm excited about is that it seems very clear that we won't have to wait for the end of the game for romances to become "official." The city seems to be act 3, but even early on it seems clear that your romance with Karlach is pretty set. I love that, I look forward to having a relationship that's romantic stretched out through the game. Being in a relationship and the drama of that could be really fun. Plus everything they showed of Karlach was so painfully wholesome, I loved every moment of it and I can't wait to meet her in the game.
Joined: Oct 2020
So to talk about more PFH stuff, something I'm excited about is that it seems very clear that we won't have to wait for the end of the game for romances to become "official." The city seems to be act 3, but even early on it seems clear that your romance with Karlach is pretty set. I love that, I look forward to having a relationship that's romantic stretched out through the game. Being in a relationship and the drama of that could be really fun. Plus everything they showed of Karlach was so painfully wholesome, I loved every moment of it and I can't wait to meet her in the game. ...everything but the bomb in her chest... I really wished we could skip this kind of drama. Maybe I'm just getting jaded after 20+ years of video games, but Larian's approach is just pushing everything again to the max. Karlach from everything I've seen looks like a really fun character, a really nice change of pace after the EA. Being chased by an arch devil sounded already over the top, but fine, we get it its BG3... why the bomb though? Brain bug + arch devil + chasing down the slaver that sold her not enough drama? Really?
Joined: May 2019
So to talk about more PFH stuff, something I'm excited about is that it seems very clear that we won't have to wait for the end of the game for romances to become "official." The city seems to be act 3, but even early on it seems clear that your romance with Karlach is pretty set. I love that, I look forward to having a relationship that's romantic stretched out through the game. Being in a relationship and the drama of that could be really fun. Plus everything they showed of Karlach was so painfully wholesome, I loved every moment of it and I can't wait to meet her in the game. ...everything but the bomb in her chest... I really wished we could skip this kind of drama. Maybe I'm just getting jaded after 20+ years of video games, but Larian's approach is just pushing everything again to the max. Karlach from everything I've seen looks like a really fun character, a really nice change of pace after the EA. Being chased by an arch devil sounded already over the top, but fine, we get it its BG3... why the bomb though? Brain bug + arch devil + chasing down the slaver that sold her not enough drama? Really? I feel it's not in Larian's makeup to be able to NOT throw stuff like that into every character they create. Over-the-top ridiculousness is their brand.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Jul 2023
I came off as snippy and obnoxious here (not the first time). Sorry about that. Not a problem and I'll concede the point about the skull/spine.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Jul 2023
Over-the-top ridiculousness is their brand. Totally agree. We already all have tadpoles in our heads and the dead three are on the go so do we really need all these personal dramas with patrons and former owners and whatnot. Luckily we now have underwear.
Joined: Dec 2020
I wonder if the underwear slot will add to your armor class
Joined: Oct 2020
Anyone notice that when the 3rd PC stealthed into combat, the game acted EXACTLY like EA, so this means Stealth is still COMPLETELY borked. If your in stealth and there is some type of TB combat, everyone involved in TB combat is just completely frozen in place and you can ignore them, do anything you want.
This is VERY, VERY, VERY disappointing to me to see... So, I know this is probably already known by now. But, after doing much more reading into the details, I have found multiple sources that say that Stealth is an action (Rogues Expertise is now better) and if you do an interaction from Stealth, you automatically roll initiative after said action. So, while this isn't 100% what I would want, at least this is better. You can still Stealth cheese by starting TB combat and having a character away from combat Stealth in and they can move infinite distance as long as they stay out of cones of vision or have high Hide skill. But, it also looks like it is confirmed that Shove is still a bonus action, which is pretty sad to see.
Joined: Oct 2022
Thanks Lorian! Each of your performances is like a Christmas present! You know roughly what you will see but you always manage to surprise me! everything was great! You conquered my heart forever! I want to hug and kiss you all!