I think for me, what confuses me is the idea that all of these people are super special, and Sven even made a point to say "they're not just following you because you're the player, but because they have their own goals and desires", but the fact is, the moment the player character, who is conceivably just some nobody from Baldur's Gate (unless there's a super secret origin they haven't told us yet), can do pretty much whatever they want, and the party doesn't just say "yea, eff this loser" and leave.

It was even more silly yesterday, seeing the Dark Urge take off Gale's hand, and SH, who conceivably JUST MET the Dark Urge 5 minutes ago, makes a hand pun and that's it? She doesn't immediately say "uh, yea, you're unstable and i'd be better off alone" and leave? It makes what Sven said completely nonsensical, because it's obvious that they're only with us because we're the player.

If the player character somehow has something special about them that we don't know yet, then it could make sense, but the problem is, the player character can't be essential, because then it would mean playing as an origin is pointless, you miss out on an important story point. So at best we have the Dark Urge..

I guess it goes back to me not feeling important at all, and Larian's characters being the story, not mine.