I haven't read all the posts but I read some that is missing the main point: you can shoot with your action and then hide with your bonus action. Then all mobs will just skip their turn. You can repeat this until everything is dead. A 1. Level without prof in bow/stealth and 8 dex can kill every mob in the game without ever getting hurt.

This is very broken and was the same as in DoS2, but there you needed to have some invisible skills etc making it a little more hassle.

Now they have made hide into an action instead of bonus action which stops some from doing it, but you can still do it.

What they need is the mobs looking for the character when they know he just hides. Or hide themselves. Or go dodge action. Or use cover. Or run away. Or use aoe actions/spell where they were last seen. Or a mix of all depending on the mob. So they just don't auto skip their turn waiting to die. And since they know the player character is hiding somewhere they should have a much easier time looking for him. And maybe even easier and easier for each time he does it in the same fight. Think as a GM and this would have been fixed long time ago.

Last edited by Momento; 08/07/23 07:59 PM.