I wonder, if Halsin is not a very competent archdruid , because he doesn't seem to be in control of his shapeshifting
I thought its nothing new ...
Wasnt Ettercaps Druids that were shapeshifting into spiders "long time ago" until they loose themselves somewhere in between?
(I mean, im sure there was some deity or demon involved aswell ... but still.)
I mean ...
This is common theme in fantasy where somoeone fills the mid step between human(oid) and animal ...
Even Gangrels lean more and more towards their animalistic site as they grow older.

Whole Werewolf ruleset stand on finding ballance between each aspect of their life, bcs if one is missed out, it fights for its existence and can owerwhelm the Werewolf.
In Warcraft 3, Druids also forgot during their long slumber in animal form that they are actually Elves.

Werewolves from Dragon Age also become quite bestial.
I could go on ...