Originally Posted by Blackheifer
I'd like to better understand why single player folks who want stat rolling feel that having to install a mod to get that is considered a "step too far"?
Im not aware that anyone ever said its "step too far" ...

It just feels unnecessary.

This request is here for a long time, it would be fine to be clear if it ever will be fulfilled or not ...
Tell me one topic where this dont apply.

Some hate it, some love it, probably most dont give a shit ...
Tell me one topic where this dont apply. laugh

Of course, if the game come out and there will be no option, we will download the mod ... what other choice will we have? smile
Again ... tell me one topic where this dont apply. xD

But just as with all other requests across all the games in whole industry and human history ... we just rather not have to. wink
Isnt it same with you? :P
You can also download a mod that would ban this for multiplayer ... but im sure you would rater not have to. wink

Originally Posted by Blackheifer
Also, if they included stat roll but you only got one roll just like the PHB would that be acceptable for everyone?
Nobody can (even tho some try) speak for everyone ...

To me?
Yes, it would.

Originally Posted by Blackheifer
Or do you folks want that compulsive "roll as many times as you want" thing which isn't supported by any version of D&D ever?
Sure, why not? smile

I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings. frown
Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are! frown