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Originally Posted by The Red Queen
I did get to meet Salo and Mollygos (our Larian community management contacts) in person which was fab. And I did chat to Salo briefly about the forum performance issues which I knew she was already aware of but she assured me again she was escalating within Larian. And she also told me she was still trying to get our forums banner to update properly, as it's now out of date!

It was all pretty full on and I was trying to glean as much info about the game as possible so we didn't have time for more wide-ranging conversations. I'm expecting that the next few weeks are going to be pretty busy for them and for us as we absorb the news and updates that are likely to be coming and then actually start playing the game, but after that might be a good time to reflect on some feedback for the team on what we'd like to see in terms of community info in future. Unless anyone wants to start a thread in advance of that. I'd certainly be happy to help draw attention to such feedback, as long as it was expressed constructively at any rate!

Good to hear that Salo brings up the poor performance of the forum.

Thanks for the answer!

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Also...RAIN EFFECTS CONFIRMED!! Raining in the following shot and during the dialogue. Hard to see, but looks great and adding lots of atmosphere.

[Linked Image from]

It just reminded me of the bowl of goat's milk that old Winthrop used to put outside his door every evening for the dust demons. He said the dust demons could never resist goat's milk, and that they would always drink themselves into a stupor and then be too tired to enter his room..
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Originally Posted by Blackheifer
List of changes from Wolfheart


1. At least alchemy is in place and its very detailed - Red Queen covered this. Alchemy, key ring and camp supply icons/tabs all next to each other
2. recipes must be found - That was Wolfie's guess.



ACT 1 - Between Baldur's Gate and Elturel - These were guestimate based on what areas he had seen in the morning session and how he imagined them fitting into the 3 acts. Some one on this forum spotted a level 5 character in one of the Baldur's Gate scenes which would throw Wolf's scheme out the window.
ACT 2 - Shadow Cursed Lands
ACT 3 - Baldur's Gate

Half of the NPC's are interactable in Baldur's Gate - Wolfie guessing again. Swen said in one of last weeks vids that there were ~1,000 NPCs in the city so there would be ~500 interactables.
2k NPC's in Baldur's Gate
All animals are interactable- All animal or all types of animals? I'm not sure either way.

Wolf mentioned an unknown place he went to far from Baldur's gate - Mentioned by the Red Queen and placed in spoilers unless I miss my guess.

You can also end up in jail - as in a huge prison.
- Get yourself or one of your cronies elected president then pardon yourself or have them do it.

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Originally Posted by Count Turnipsome
Also...RAIN EFFECTS CONFIRMED!! Raining in the following shot and during the dialogue. Hard to see, but looks great and adding lots of atmosphere.

[Linked Image from]
Do you have a rough timestamp for that shot?

Found it. It is the place where Swen tells Crystal(?) to go to camp (at about 4hrs 28-29 mins of Wolfheart's PFH vid.) They go from a bright sunshiny city to rain. Hardly adding atmosphere. I'm guessing nothing will get wet.
If you want to know what rain is ask Scout Harding, she was stationed up on the Storm Coast back in '14.

Last edited by Beechams; 10/07/23 06:43 PM.
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So shadowcursed lands are act two? Interesting, becasue in EA it seemed as though we were meant to be choosing between it and the underdark as the routes to moonrise tower. I wonder if that was the case when EA first came out but along the way they made the shadowlands in their entirety act two? It doesn't make a difference to anything but it's intereting to think about. Also interesting from a story structure level. Act 2 in a story is typically the longest act and the part where most of the action takes place, with act three beingwhere everything wraps up. But based on what we've heard, being in the city is going to be the biggest part of the game. So I wonder how that will play out in terms of experiencing the story and how the pacing feels.

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Jhe'stil Kith'rak
Jhe'stil Kith'rak
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Originally Posted by Staden
Originally Posted by The Red Queen
I did get to meet Salo and Mollygos (our Larian community management contacts) in person which was fab. And I did chat to Salo briefly about the forum performance issues which I knew she was already aware of but she assured me again she was escalating within Larian. And she also told me she was still trying to get our forums banner to update properly, as it's now out of date!

It was all pretty full on and I was trying to glean as much info about the game as possible so we didn't have time for more wide-ranging conversations. I'm expecting that the next few weeks are going to be pretty busy for them and for us as we absorb the news and updates that are likely to be coming and then actually start playing the game, but after that might be a good time to reflect on some feedback for the team on what we'd like to see in terms of community info in future. Unless anyone wants to start a thread in advance of that. I'd certainly be happy to help draw attention to such feedback, as long as it was expressed constructively at any rate!

Good to hear that Salo brings up the poor performance of the forum.

Thanks for the answer!
Virtually impossible to use the forum right now... and for long stretches of the last several days.

Remember the human (This is a forum for a video game):
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Jhe'stil Kith'rak
Jhe'stil Kith'rak
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Originally Posted by Gray Ghost
So shadowcursed lands are act two? Interesting, becasue in EA it seemed as though we were meant to be choosing between it and the underdark as the routes to moonrise tower. I wonder if that was the case when EA first came out but along the way they made the shadowlands in their entirety act two? It doesn't make a difference to anything but it's intereting to think about. Also interesting from a story structure level. Act 2 in a story is typically the longest act and the part where most of the action takes place, with act three beingwhere everything wraps up. But based on what we've heard, being in the city is going to be the biggest part of the game. So I wonder how that will play out in terms of experiencing the story and how the pacing feels.

Wolfheart made it sound like:
Act 1: Early Access
Act 2: Shadowcursed Lands and MAYBE parts of the outercity.
Act 3: Baldur's Gate City proper and the Outercity if not in Act 2.

Also there are places that teleport you to other planes/locations.

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Gah, the forum seems to be getting even worse again!

I'm glad that Wolfheart and I are at least not contradicting each other grin

As a matter of fact, all of the below relate to items that I'd put in spoiler tags in this post, so I'm not surprised if folks missed them. But I can confirm these from my experience for anyone who is avoiding the spoiler tagged stuff:

Originally Posted by Blackheifer
Half of the NPC's are interactable in Baldur's Gate
Wolf mentioned an unknown place he went to far from Baldur's gate
You can also end up in jail - as in a huge prison .

And yes, Beecham's guess that Wolfheart's unknown place was probably the place I was also talking about will be spot on! And of course, I didn't mention the jail itself, but it does have a connection to two of the bullet points in my spoiler tagged list ... and that's all I'm going to tell you biggrin Well, except that the prison we saw was more than the cells we get in other areas, but I wouldn't call what we saw "huge". Wolfheart's tip that keeping your party separate so that some can ride to the rescue if others get in trouble is a good one, as were his hints about using things like disguises and spells. And I'll add that making sure you have a source of force or bludgeoning damage to hand can be helpful too! In short, properly prepared, you don't need to worry too much that getting locked up is the end of your adventure, and actually you might even discover some useful stuff while you're there smile

Like Wolfheart, I caught the 2K NPCs number but hadn't noted whether that was the game as a whole or some subset of it, which is why I hadn't shared it here. And now that the interactable animals are mentioned, I recall Swen saying that too, though I'd not noted it down so I'm afraid I'm not able to provide any more clarity.

"You may call it 'nonsense' if you like, but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!"
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Originally Posted by Gray Ghost
So shadowcursed lands are act two? Interesting, becasue in EA it seemed as though we were meant to be choosing between it and the underdark as the routes to moonrise tower. I wonder if that was the case when EA first came out but along the way they made the shadowlands in their entirety act two? It doesn't make a difference to anything but it's intereting to think about. Also interesting from a story structure level. Act 2 in a story is typically the longest act and the part where most of the action takes place, with act three beingwhere everything wraps up. But based on what we've heard, being in the city is going to be the biggest part of the game. So I wonder how that will play out in terms of experiencing the story and how the pacing feels.
The impression I got was that Moonrise Towers is going to be a hub and various quests will originate from there.
Whether you get there late A1 or early A2 could depend on how much of A1 you do or various choices taken in A1 resulting in more or less A1 content to get through. Also see my comment above about some one spotting a level five character in Baldur's Gate.

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Originally Posted by Zerubbabel
Wolfheart made it sound like:
Act 1: Early Access
Act 2: Shadowcursed Lands and MAYBE parts of the outercity.
Act 3: Baldur's Gate City proper and the Outercity if not in Act 2.

I hope those are huge enough in scale, not in the number of NPCs. They were talking about the amount of NPCs in BG3, but it is not a very good metric I think to showcase scale, because those can be placed (and were, according to the PFH) pretty densely. Do we have any info on the city scale besides 'its huuuuuuuuge' and the number of NPCs? Maybe compared to already existing locations from the EA?

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Location: Athkatla
Originally Posted by Beechams
Originally Posted by Count Turnipsome
Also...RAIN EFFECTS CONFIRMED!! Raining in the following shot and during the dialogue. Hard to see, but looks great and adding lots of atmosphere.

[Linked Image from]
Do you have a rough timestamp for that shot?

Found it. It is the place where Swen tells Crystal(?) to go to camp (at about 4hrs 28-29 mins of Wolfheart's PFH vid.) They go from a bright sunshiny city to rain. Hardly adding atmosphere. I'm guessing nothing will get wet.
If you want to know what rain is ask Scout Harding, she was stationed up on the Storm Coast back in '14.

NOOO...I was trying to stay positive regarding weather effects...I guess we won't even get basic nicely implemented weather and rain in Baldur's Gate 3. I was really looking hard for it...Still time stand still, sunny 24/7.

This is frankly, shocking for this scale of an RPG, yet not having this.

Last edited by Count Turnipsome; 10/07/23 06:54 PM.

It just reminded me of the bowl of goat's milk that old Winthrop used to put outside his door every evening for the dust demons. He said the dust demons could never resist goat's milk, and that they would always drink themselves into a stupor and then be too tired to enter his room..
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From Wolfheart’s video I am happy to hear that we can use camp supplies directly from the camp storage when resting!

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Originally Posted by Zerubbabel
Originally Posted by Gray Ghost
So shadowcursed lands are act two? Interesting, becasue in EA it seemed as though we were meant to be choosing between it and the underdark as the routes to moonrise tower. I wonder if that was the case when EA first came out but along the way they made the shadowlands in their entirety act two? It doesn't make a difference to anything but it's intereting to think about. Also interesting from a story structure level. Act 2 in a story is typically the longest act and the part where most of the action takes place, with act three beingwhere everything wraps up. But based on what we've heard, being in the city is going to be the biggest part of the game. So I wonder how that will play out in terms of experiencing the story and how the pacing feels.

Also there are places that teleport you to other planes/locations.

If you are referring to what Wolfheart said then he made the other planes comment in relation to the 'mystery' location which you would never have dreamt of and was very, very far from BG but NOT on on another plane. This is the place mentioned by The Red Queen.

Originally Posted by The Red Queen
Gah, the forum seems to be getting even worse again!

Like Wolfheart, I caught the 2K NPCs number but hadn't noted whether that was the game as a whole or some subset of it, which is why I hadn't shared it here..

I got the 1K number of citizens from one of the two vids from the last week or so rather than the PFH. I think it was during out first view of inside the city.

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Wolfheart video pointed me towards something interesting.
Part of character creation, where tatoos are is called "Body Art" ...

My question is: Is it REALLY "body" art? smile
Or just poor name?

I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings. frown
Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are! frown
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I remember Sven saying something about how someone should remember to do face painting because he enjoyed face painting. Not sure what he was talking about.

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Originally Posted by RagnarokCzD
Wolfheart video pointed me towards something interesting.
Part of character creation, where tatoos are is called "Body Art" ...

My question is: Is it REALLY "body" art? smile
Or just poor name?
Here in the UK tattooing is now referred to as body art. IRL you can get a tat anywhere on your body but I think in BG it is only on the head.

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Originally Posted by Beechams
Originally Posted by Zerubbabel
Originally Posted by Gray Ghost
So shadowcursed lands are act two? Interesting, becasue in EA it seemed as though we were meant to be choosing between it and the underdark as the routes to moonrise tower. I wonder if that was the case when EA first came out but along the way they made the shadowlands in their entirety act two? It doesn't make a difference to anything but it's intereting to think about. Also interesting from a story structure level. Act 2 in a story is typically the longest act and the part where most of the action takes place, with act three beingwhere everything wraps up. But based on what we've heard, being in the city is going to be the biggest part of the game. So I wonder how that will play out in terms of experiencing the story and how the pacing feels.

Also there are places that teleport you to other planes/locations.

If you are referring to what Wolfheart said then he made the other planes comment in relation to the 'mystery' location which you would never have dreamt of and was very, very far from BG but NOT on on another plane. This is the place mentioned by The Red Queen.

Wasn't it the... you know... dino place? (I don't know how to do spoiler tags here...) I think Wolfheart simply didn't read the article offhandedly confirming we could go there.

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Im honestly more interested in Faerun than UK, no offence. smile

Last edited by RagnarokCzD; 10/07/23 09:22 PM.

I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings. frown
Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are! frown
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Originally Posted by RagnarokCzD
Im honestly more interested in Faerun than UK, no offence. smile
I thought you were asking the question from a language perspective and as the UK is the home of English and 'body art' is an English term I answered accordingly.

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Originally Posted by JandK
I remember Sven saying something about how someone should remember to do face painting because he enjoyed face painting. Not sure what he was talking about.

Oh yes, it seems to be possible to buy and apply face paint. I think it can function as a kind of disguise, though I didn’t see it used to fool anyone. Though Swen did show us Gale with a kind of clown face (using some paint picked up at the circus I mentioned).

Originally Posted by RagnarokCzD
Wolfheart video pointed me towards something interesting.
Part of character creation, where tatoos are is called "Body Art" ...

As folk have said, that tends to be the term used here now, and iirc piercings are on the same tab. The icons only show markings on the face. Though as an aside, I did notice an option on the character creator to hide clothing, so I guess I could have checked to see if it did affect other parts of the body. But I didn’t! (We don’t have that in EA do we? I’ve not noticed it.)

Originally Posted by Beechams
I got the 1K number of citizens from one of the two vids from the last week or so rather than the PFH. I think it was during out first view of inside the city.

Well remembered. So that might mean that there are 2K in the game as a whole, and 500+ interactable NPCs out of 1K in BG itself. Or that there are 1K interactable NPCs in BG, and 2K including the crowd. Dammit, still not conclusive! Except that either way it’s a hell of a lot of NPCs!

"You may call it 'nonsense' if you like, but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!"
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