Yes, based on the playthrough in Ghent on 7 July, it does look as though there have been some changes, though still very much caveated as what Wolfheart and I played might not have been the final, final build.

But it looks as though:

Hide will be a full action (I assume, though it is not confirmed, that there will be a cunning action Hide for rogues)
It is now much harder to attack without initiative being rolled (I was not able to snipe at enemies, even from out of range, without initiative being rolled and my character coming out of stealth - I didn't get enough time to play around to confirm it's actually impossible, but at the very least it no longer seems easy)
I didn't see this but as Momento says Wolfheart says he tried to hide behind an enemy and found he couldn't in the "threat zone", which I assume the melee range that also applies to Attacks of Opportunity, or that is used to judge whether a character is threatened for the purposes of sneak attacks (I'm sure there's a formal 5e definition but I'm too lazy to look it up just now)

In short, it does look as though there are improvements to stealth planned. It's not clear they will prevent cheesing entirely, and in fact I'll bet someone can work out how, but I'd settle for a system that I actually had to work hard to exploit rather than one I could hardly avoid cheesing. So I'm now cautiously optimistic about stealth.

"You may call it 'nonsense' if you like, but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!"