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Originally Posted by Necrosian
But for gameplay, being stuck with a broken build is a game killer for me. I don't want to start a new game just to fix a build mistake.
Absolutely agree with you here, realizing 30 hours into a game that you've built your entire character wrong feels horrible and some respec should definitely be possible. There has to be a sensible limit though, as some things are so integral to your character that they shouldn't be touched. That degree, I suppose, is a matter of preference. Personally I think ability scores, feats, spells and subclasses are fair game, but race and class should be off the table.

I believe Pillars of Eternity and Pathfinder Kingmaker/WoTR handle it well. PoE lets you respec your build for money proportional to your current level, allowing you to redo all of your attributes and talent choices but not your class or race. The Pathfinder games offer a complete change of your character including race and class, but there is both a cost and a narrative explanation (professional magic-aided retraining iirc) and the amount of race/class reactivity in those games isn't even remotely close to what we're getting in BG3 anyway. I think Larian should seriously tone it down if the OP is accurate.

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Must have missed something here’s essentially a single player game - yes you can multiplayer likely with friends and not randoms in which case you’ll play as per the group rules.
The point is it’s irrelevant what anyone else does with the rules as presented as long as they enjoy their own experience.
Many of us will self police certain features I’m a d&d fan but last I played was third edition so I’ll apply rules as I think will most help me enjoy my experience - who cares about anyone else’s ?
Larian are selling a game to as wide an audience as they can so it will be wholly successful to all spectrum of rpg fans.
I think this will be an amazing experience over hundreds maybe thousands of hours - choice matters in gameplay - if there are parts that you don’t like - ignore it and play it your own way and have a great time doing so.

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Originally Posted by The Red Queen
Originally Posted by neprostoman
Having an opportunity to respec on a whim feels like having an access to a debug room.

This is something I'm agnostic on. I'll admit I probably did abuse respec-ing in Pathfinder WotR, but on the other hand it was my first playthrough and I don't really know the system so the alternative would have been living with some mistakes I'd made constantly being annoyed I'd not made a different choice, or reloading from way, way earlier in the game. I definitely see respecing as the lesser of those evils. Though I wish WotR had given me an additional option to just relevel rather than completely redesign my character, as after the first retry I was happy with them at level 1 and it was tedious having to do the whole character creation again every time. Though I suppose it was a bit of a disincentive to respecing, so perhaps it was intended.

I'll wait and see how BG3 handles it. It's not a feature I'd probably be clamouring for if it weren't there, but on the other hand I find it hard to see having the opportunity to fix mistakes as a bad thing, especially in single player and while I get to grips with the ruleset.

I am all in for the respect system that allows you to fix mistakes, but only within the classes, races, and backgrounds you've committed to. Pathfinder WotR is a game that does not go an extra mile to immerse you into the world like BG3 does with all these cinematics and dialogue reactivity and unique identity. Thats why I think for WotR it is less harmful to have the full respec than for BG3.

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Originally Posted by Sores
I apologise, but it's obvious that the ability to change race and class of companions is nonsense, and it's not in BG 3. It's not said trivially anywhere but in this thread, there's no confirmation of it. Moreover, we have Queen saying that companions can't change their appearance or class, which is logical. Shedowheart can't be anything other than a Cleric, and Will can't be anything other than a Warlock. They can be multiclassed at the player's discretion from level 2, and that's exactly what would definitely be changeable: characterisation distribution, classes after the first, spell set. Basically, anything that doesn't define the character as such.

Characters already have lines where they refer to each other's races, Laezel's story is literally tied to her being a githyanki.

Please stop panicking and spouting nonsense taken literally out of nowhere.

Well, there you have it folks.

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It sounds like Our PC (including if you chose an origin story) can be respecced to level 0 however there is no way companions can be reset to 0. Their story is tied to their level 1 class. I'm sure any respecc will only allow us to multiclass inclusive of that first level dip.

Common sense, otherwise there is no narrative.

I think the confusion came from the difference between origin characters and companion character respecc

Also its a single player game with no pvp. For the min max crowd, have at it. Go play on tactician and change your spec /build every fight if that makes you happy.
It's not a competition. It's a single player/co-op RPG

Last edited by Mars30; 11/07/23 09:10 AM.
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Originally Posted by Sores
I apologise, but it's obvious that the ability to change race and class of companions is nonsense, and it's not in BG 3. It's not said trivially anywhere but in this thread, there's no confirmation of it. Moreover, we have Queen saying that companions can't change their appearance or class, which is logical. Shedowheart can't be anything other than a Cleric, and Will can't be anything other than a Warlock. They can be multiclassed at the player's discretion from level 2, and that's exactly what would definitely be changeable: characterisation distribution, classes after the first, spell set. Basically, anything that doesn't define the character as such.

Characters already have lines where they refer to each other's races, Laezel's story is literally tied to her being a githyanki.

Please stop panicking and spouting nonsense taken literally out of nowhere.

This can as easily be true as it can be false. Better discuss it now while it can still make some impact, though not likely.

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Originally Posted by Sores
I apologise, but it's obvious that the ability to change race and class of companions is nonsense, and it's not in BG 3. It's not said trivially anywhere but in this thread, there's no confirmation of it.


Please stop panicking and spouting nonsense taken literally out of nowhere.
Reasonable, I think you might be right and we're all overreacting to nothing here. I hope so.

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Gotta admit. That chess 'analogy' made me laugh. It's like yelling ''meat is murder'' and then starting talking about what Hitler did during the Holocaust.


Regarding some of the claims, it's seems EXTREMELY unlikely that Larian would allow changes to Origin characters that could potentially eradicate their story through-out the game, even if 'choice' is paramount there will still be a general path in terms of who these characters are.

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Man, this thread is wild.

Respec, I mean, it's 2023 and who out there can be bothered to learn D&D rules? It is what it is and I don't really mind too much. But respec without any kind of limitation is probably a bit over the top in terms of opening the door for all kinds of ridiculous cheese. And we know what the masses will say when they realise that hard encounters are trivial with a bit of cheese. "That not fair, I struggled so hard, that is cheating, fix and nerf now!!!11", in my experience. Also, that achievement for a level 12 multi with 1 of each class is suddenly not that hard to get, is it?

Companion respec, sure, why not, but I'm intensely not a fan of being able to redistribute companion stats or starting class. We have a story that has to make sense. Once we start opening the door for that whole "but can't we just pretend" stuff, we might as well also just pretend to always roll natural 20's. I guess I'd be okay with full companion respec in story mode.

Multiclass made easier, frankly to be expected, but it is one of those areas where Larian has to be super careful to not overdo it. If you need to add salt to your dish and all you have is a shovel then it is better to refrain. But it is hard to comment on whether Larian messed this one up without more info.

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Originally Posted by Necrosian
Originally Posted by Sores
I apologise, but it's obvious that the ability to change race and class of companions is nonsense, and it's not in BG 3. It's not said trivially anywhere but in this thread, there's no confirmation of it. Moreover, we have Queen saying that companions can't change their appearance or class, which is logical. Shedowheart can't be anything other than a Cleric, and Will can't be anything other than a Warlock. They can be multiclassed at the player's discretion from level 2, and that's exactly what would definitely be changeable: characterisation distribution, classes after the first, spell set. Basically, anything that doesn't define the character as such.

Characters already have lines where they refer to each other's races, Laezel's story is literally tied to her being a githyanki.

Please stop panicking and spouting nonsense taken literally out of nowhere.

Well, there you have it folks.

[Linked Image from]

Ok, so now the advanced question for expert solvers: IF this turns out to be true, which it is?

"Obvious nonsense, no one would ever do something so stupid"


""N-no, it's fine, if Larian-senpai decided to do it it's probably for the better"?

Time to place your bets.

Party control in Baldur's Gate 3 is a complete mess that begs to be addressed. SAY NO TO THE TOILET CHAIN
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Originally Posted by Ixal
You might not, but the NPCs and companions might.
You cant escape it.
You can escape it very easily by not respeccing the companions. They can't respec themselves.

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Originally Posted by Beechams
Originally Posted by Ixal
You might not, but the NPCs and companions might.
You cant escape it.
You can escape it very easily by not respeccing the companions. They can't respec themselves.
Only that they might already start with the wrong ASI or unlimited multiclass combinations...

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Originally Posted by fylimar
I'm ok with respecing stats/ levels for the player character, maybe you decide along the way, that your warlock fits better with Pact of Tome instead of Pact of Blade or so. I'm concerned about changing race/class etc. alltogether. That would be too interrupting for me.

The companions are mo--capped to hell, there's no way they'll allow race respeccing for them.

My opinion:
Gale Wizard through and through, shouldn't be allowed to respec class, but I personally hate that 15 in con. I'd like to change that
Shadowheart. Only says she worships Shar, not a cleric (I think). Her backstory suggests she was picked for her skills in infiltration, maybe rogue, but her subclass more than covers this. Should be limited to Shar and trickery, with the option of rogue (but who in the right mind would pick that?). No other class or deity suits her backstory
Wyll. Absolutely his first class should be fighter level 1 then fiend warlock level 2. These should be the canon first 2 levels. He was a member of the flaming fist he would have had to wear the uniform and bear the weapon, there is no way he shouldn't have medium armour proficiencies and maybe martial weapons. His 13 dex just doesn't make sense either. A famous melee fighter in light armour with 13 dex? No way
Astarion. Everything about his backstory suggests bard over rogue. He's technically not even able to enter houses without invitation and his whole deal should be about personal charm and deception as that is what he primarily did to his master's victims. The only reason he isn't bard because it wasn't in the game yet and high elfs make better rogues. His starting spells should include charm person and disguise self and everything about the voice actor and fancy dan starting armour shouts high charisma. He has totally the mannerisms and affectations of a 'luvvie' actor
Laezel: Fighter, nothing else makes sense. Probably eldritch knight suits best lorewise. Most people will take battlemaster though

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Originally Posted by Tuco
Well, there you have it folks.
[Linked Image from]

I'm still waiting on direct confirmation as this sounds like hearsay and possible misinterpretation to me, though no doubt offered in all good faith.

I'd find it really weird if you could make changes to origin companions on respec that as far as I could tell you can't make to them as your own origin PC. But anything is possible, including that I missed something at CC.

I'll admit that if it is true, I find it hard to see how it could work given how integral their classes seem to be to many companions. But I'll probably never find out if it works or doesn't, as while I could definitely see myself multiclassing hte companions in different ways, I can't imagine bringing myself to change their level 1 class.

EDIT: And with respect to the question, if it is true, then is it alright, then I'll admit that if it is, I assume Larian must at least think it works however much I can't see it myself. And if it does (even if I can't currently see how) then it doesn't bother me. I'm only talking about it at all as the information that changing level 1 classes for companions is possible seems in tension with some of the stuff I encountered so I still have my doubts it's true.

Last edited by The Red Queen; 11/07/23 09:27 AM.

"You may call it 'nonsense' if you like, but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!"
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Originally Posted by neprostoman
This can as easily be true as it can be false. Better discuss it now while it can still make some impact, though not likely.

I agree, but let's be reasonable. There is no need to get into a heated discussion on a topic that was brought up out of nowhere. Purely logically, a full respec of companions makes no sense: their histories, race and class are related, and their appearances are unique. Can you imagine Astarion being a halfling barbarian? And a woman with a male voiceover at that? Yeah that would even have SO MUCH more significance on the cinematics. That's a different set of animations, created specifically, exclusive to that particular character.

This game is fully voiced for a reason, it has 174 hours of cut-scenes for a reason, many of which are unique to specific characters.

Let's not get crazy.

Here's an interview about multiclassing - it's really scary and worth discussing. It literally breaks the game balance.

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Originally Posted by ArvGuy
Man, this thread is wild.

Respec, I mean, it's 2023 and who out there can be bothered to learn D&D rules?

Not everyone plays DnD you know, and learning ruleset just to play a single game seems bit much to expect from people.

Originally Posted by ArvGuy
It is what it is and I don't really mind too much. But respec without any kind of limitation is probably a bit over the top in terms of opening the door for all kinds of ridiculous cheese. And we know what the masses will say when they realise that hard encounters are trivial with a bit of cheese. "That not fair, I struggled so hard, that is cheating, fix and nerf now!!!11", in my experience.

From what i seen people will just call you minmaxer and that's it. Maybe also fix the balancing if it anything like WOTR.

Originally Posted by ArvGuy
Also, that achievement for a level 12 multi with 1 of each class is suddenly not that hard to get, is it?

Tha's just Abserd.

Originally Posted by ArvGuy
Companion respec, sure, why not, but I'm intensely not a fan of being able to redistribute companion stats or starting class. We have a story that has to make sense. Once we start opening the door for that whole "but can't we just pretend" stuff, we might as well also just pretend to always roll natural 20's. I guess I'd be okay with full companion respec in story mode.
As someone wrote earlier, Origin character are class and race locked. You can only change stats and what not.

Originally Posted by ArvGuy
Multiclass made easier, frankly to be expected, but it is one of those areas where Larian has to be super careful to not overdo it. If you need to add salt to your dish and all you have is a shovel then it is better to refrain. But it is hard to comment on whether Larian messed this one up without more info.

Yup just wait and see.

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Now that I think about it, if anyone can respec freely then what is the point of the disguise self spell?

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The assumption cited by Wolfheart that the PC/Origin/Companion will all have the same freedom to respecc to level 0 assumption.

The storylines/narratives of the companions are tied to their race/class. Level 1 dip is mandetory. Certainly a 1/11 multiclass is viable.

Honesty Halsin not a druid? Wyll not a warlock or Shadowheart not a Shar cleric? At least one level?

Nah. Larian isn't going to waste all that effort

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Originally Posted by Tuco
Ok, so now the advanced question for expert solvers: IF this turns out to be true, which it is?

"Obvious nonsense, no one would ever do something so stupid"


""N-no, it's fine, if Larian-senpai decided to do it it's probably for the better"?

Time to place your bets.

This is still nothing more than speculation. "I heard from that guy who heard from that guy." Again, let's be reasonable and not panic prematurely.

I'll be very upset if I'm wrong, because if this is all true, it's beyond stupid, but I still have faith that even Larian aren't that crazy.

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Originally Posted by Necrosian
Originally Posted by ArvGuy
Man, this thread is wild.

Respec, I mean, it's 2023 and who out there can be bothered to learn D&D rules?

Not everyone plays DnD you know, and learning ruleset just to play a single game seems bit much to expect from people.

Wow, learning the rules of the game you want to play is too much....

Last edited by Ixal; 11/07/23 09:23 AM.
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