But it will be possible to turn off karmic dice? I really want my 1d20 to be a regular 20-sided dice and not some funny math construct. What's the idea in showing a dice roll then, if the result is some behind-the-scene construct anyways? And the very idea behind karmic dice as I understand it goes against my idea of playing with dice. Means you cannot really be a lucky bastard or the opposite, as compensations will be made on following rolls. Not everything needs to be fair. It is not chess we are playing. Leave my dice alone please.
I like that the option is in the game. I also think it's ok that Karmic Dice is the default option which you have to unclick (at least that's how it was in EA).
I'm not in the slightest mathematically gifted (in contrast to the OP, it seems

), so I look only on to my experiences in EA:
With Karmic Dice:
You hit more against high AC, the game is faster, it's more damage in the game, defense is not that important, casters have a better time, players can deal better with the high damage game than the AI.
Without Karmic Dice:
AC is much more important, more misses, defense makes more sense, fights are slower and sometimes more frustrating and less predictable.
I prefer to play without Karmic Dices, but many people may not like it without.