And so it is easy for you to say what you are saying. If things had ended up the opposite of this such that you were the one not happy, you'd be singing a very different tune.
Nope, if I were so disgusted about the way the game I'm looking forward to is shaping, I'd drop my interest about this game long time ago and would find another game to play. Simple as that. It's like you are torturing yourself for no reason.
*Or* you can simply choose to loosen up your restrictive views about BG3 and try to find fun in it. By standing in the middle, you are really doing yourself a disservice.
But to be completely honest with you, I don't really care if you like the game or not, it's the fact you are trying to present your view as "the only truth" and the way how BG3 should look like that is annoying. Your "true BG3" may differ from another person's "true BG3", doesn't mean one is better than the other. It's ultimately coming down to how good BG3 is sold, not if one of us likes it and the other not.
And yes, if BG3 turns out to be the game I won't like, I will be singing another tune. But I won't torture others with my singing for years now.