Origin characters: - Half-Elf - Elf - Human - Human - Githyanki - Tiefling - Elf - Half-Elf - Human - Drow (ergo, Elf)
People on forum, providing feedback: We would like to see more diversity! There are no small races represented at all!
Larian ... releasing hirelings: - Human - Human (maybe Halfling tho, hard to tell by those pictures) - Human - Tiefling - Half-Elf - Githyanki - Half-Orc - Drow (still ergo Elf) - Human - Human - Dragonborn - Duergar (ergo, Dwarf) - Dwarf
Larian: Ha! Nailed it! People on forum: -_-
Final count of small races: 2 ... maybe 3
Final count of tall races: Everyone else, why bother? -_-
Final count of Humans: At least half, maybe 3/4 ... from brigt side, it at least will feel like Humans are dominant race.
//Edit: You remember how Larian was "jokingly" complaining that they offered us tails, horns, tusks and claws ... and we created Vault Dveller? I fear they took it as an instruction.
Last edited by RagnarokCzD; 12/07/2308:36 PM.
I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings. Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are!