Originally Posted by fylimar
Originally Posted by RagnarokCzD
Origin characters:
- Half-Elf
- Elf
- Human
- Human
- Githyanki
- Tiefling
- Elf
- Half-Elf
- Human
- Drow (ergo, Elf)

People on forum, providing feedback:
We would like to see more diversity!
There are no small races represented at all!

Larian ... releasing hirelings:
- Human
- Human (maybe Halfling tho, hard to tell by those pictures)
- Human
- Tiefling
- Half-Elf
- Githyanki
- Half-Orc
- Drow (still ergo Elf)
- Human
- Human
- Dragonborn
- Duergar (ergo, Dwarf)
- Dwarf

Larian: Ha! Nailed it!
People on forum: -_-

Final count of small races:
2 ... maybe 3

Final count of tall races:
Everyone else, why bother? -_-

Final count of Humans:
At least half, maybe 3/4 ... from brigt side, it at least will feel like Humans are dominant race.

You remember how Larian was "jokingly" complaining that they offered us tails, horns, tusks and claws ... and we created Vault Dveller?
I fear they took it as an instruction. frown

Yeah, that doesn't look promising. I don't get their problem with small races.
Because small races are a pain in the ass to do the cinematic dialogue style. When you are rigging these things You have to try to match up the characters line of sights and fool the player into that the models are actually looking at eachother. When there is a substantial hight difference its mush more work to do this

Go look at karlach talking to her dwarf friend in the panel from hell, it was all just zoom ins on each of their faces.
When you have an orgin character, with all the contend that entails, making them short makes things exponentially harder.