Originally Posted by Llengrath
There IS a choice, only it's not you making it - it's the writers.
Well, its not writers im arguing with ...
And since writers most likely are co-working with developers, deciding how to implement theese characters to made them fluid enough to any class ... one could easily asume they are fine with it.

Originally Posted by Llengrath
To say Astarion should've been a Bard is looking at it from the opposite direction imo, because the choice to make him a Rogue was deliberate.
Was it tho?
I understand why would you asume that ... but that dont make it true.

Originally Posted by Llengrath
Him being a Rogue has expressive power. It evokes the imagery of an agile and skillful predator, tailing his prey down a dark side alley or worming his way into the good graces of unsuspecting nobles with his sharp wit.
Yes ...
Except, according to what he tells us, as we progress in his personal quest ... aka, according to what Writers told us about him ... he didnt do either of those things.

He was coming on public events and seducing people.

Originally Posted by Llengrath
Nothing about Astarion evokes musicality or magic.
Bard =/= music ... that is only one of many potential archetypes, but its common misstake, even Larian made it ... kinda.
And their magic can be quite subtle.

Originally Posted by Llengrath
With the removal of commitment, it becomes as you write - Astarion can be anything. His class is demoted from an integral component of his character to a mere suggestion.
Yes, but did he become any less Roguish?
Is the expressive power gone out of sudden?

He is still the in every aspect ... except he dont have to be, if you dont want him to.

Originally Posted by Llengrath
One's class isn't just their set of skills to be changed like clothing; it's their life.
I would agree with you ...
If that would be true.

If our Origin companions / characters would have predefined set of classes and subclasses, in wich we can invest levels and raise their skills in certain ways only ... with multiple options, why not ... if they would just not let us do anything the hells we want with them.

If Astarion, as we are talking about him ...
Would be only able to get levels in either Fighter, Ranger, or Monk via multiclass ... maybe even having locked out Arcane Trickster, Eldrich Knight and Elemental Monk ... bcs there is nothing magical about him.
Then i would agree with you completely.
For such Astarion, his Class would indeed be ... as you said it "integral component of his character".

But as long as i can make Astarion 11Paladin 1Rogue.
And as long as i can play him as benevolent sweetheart that is selflessly helping anyone in need.

It dont feel that way.

As long as i can do anything i want with him (and i can) his class in not commitment for me, it is meere sugestion, even if that single insignificant level remains there ...
And that is reason i see it insignificant, and more than something truly special that defines the companion, its just minor anoyance for me, that dont allow me to reach full battle potential of my companion. smile

Originally Posted by Llengrath
The question remains - is it worth sacrificing character integrity to slightly better accommodate more casual audiences who don't care as much? As someone who cares, my answer is no.
Since the integrity is allready compromised and holds together only when player commits themselves to uphold it?
Yes, it is ... since there is barely anything left to sacrifice. wink

And believe it or not, i care aswell. smile

I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings. frown
Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are! frown