We seem to be moving a bit away from the purpose of this thread, so I'll try bring it back by mentioning the current poll results and refer people to the Party Size Megathread for the countless arguments for/against an increased party size.

56% of people (39 votes) dislike the ability to change companions' starting classes.
20% of people (14 votes) like the ability to change companions' starting classes.
24% don't care (17 votes) and thus don't count toward either side.
In summary, more than 2x the number of people here dislike this aspect of BG3 than like it.

A survey with 70 recipients has a 95% confidence level with a 12% margin-of-error and can be generalized to effectively any population size. (using this calculator).
- disclaimer: I'm not sure if the above is only relevant for 2-option surveys. If it is, then we consider only the 53 yes-or-no results, giving us a 14% margin-of-error.

Thus, if we assume our sample population is roughly representative of the Full Population, we can, with 95% confidence, expect the Full Population's response to vary by up to 12-14% from these poll results. (i.e., only 5% chance that more than 34% of people would respond "like" and less than 42% of people would respond "dislike.") If we *don't* assume that the forum sample roughly accurately reflects the full population of BG3 players, then we can't use this poll to say anything and it's basically useless.