There are no good points being made by those opposed to this feature’s inclusion. It always boils down to “it breaks the story or immersion.” So? Why does anybody care if somebody else is breaking their own story and disregarding immersion? Nobody needs to do it, but for people who like absurdity, chaos, irreverence or just don’t care, the option is on the table.

Larian should absolutely have made companions with complex histories whose classes are important to their storylines, as they did.

Larian also should have given players the option to disregard all of that and just have the way they want, as they did.

These aren’t contradictions. I think it’s actually a refreshing style of game design. “We care about this so we are putting our efforts here, but we understand you might not care, so we are making sure you can have fun and do what you want anyway.” Bravo.

Last edited by Warlocke; 13/07/23 05:01 PM.