I'm trying really hard to understand the perspective of those who clearly see the ability to change companions' classes as deeply problematic and want it gone, even as a totally optional feature. (As opposed to thinking, as I do, that changing classes is problematic and therefore I'm unlikely to use it but it's no skin off my nose if it's there and other people want to use it to mess up their own games grin)

I'm getting the sense that at least part of it might be because they are concerned that Larian have compromised on the world's reactivity to classes in order to enable this feature. And that would indeed be worrying given I agree class is fundamental to the identity of a D&D protagonist. In fact, I think someone from Larian said just that at PFH, so it's not like it's something that they're not aware of.

Would that be a fair characterisation, or am I still missing the point?

"You may call it 'nonsense' if you like, but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!"