Originally Posted by Llengrath
Originally Posted by Sansang2
Originally Posted by Llengrath
I think this is it - this right here may be the important difference in viewpoint. Not only yours and mine, but of those who argue for the lenient ruling and against it.

Classes were never 'just' the mechanics to me. Each feature with any amount of flavour adds to the character's story and makes me imagine the things about their past it reflects, how they came to posses it, what situations it could've helped them in.

But this is all fair and right. You can have all the reasons of this world to not like something, and the same is for me. It's about having different backgrounds, different preferences and different everything.

If you don't like something is fine.
If Larian looks around and decide "this thing isn't liked by enough people, it isn't worth it" is fine.
What I can't consider fine is saying "larian shouldn't implement this because I don't like it".
It's vastly different.
I understand. To be clear, I was never arguing against this feature only because I personally don't 'like' it, but because I think that while it outwardly appears as an additional option, it also takes something important away.

Also... if you're okay with Larian changing something because not enough people like it, then why would it not be okay to say I don't like it and want it gone? This is how we let them know.

Because the thing you want gone doesn’t affect your gameplay experience at all so you have no standing to request it’s removal. It’s that simple.