Originally Posted by Tuco
I don't like it, I don't want it. There can be such a thing as "too much freedom" when it comes to setting rules for a game.
I don't like it because it removes any thematical consistency.
I don't like it because it removes gravitas from a character.

And as I already said elsewhere "If you don't like don't use" is a great principle applied to your collection of sex toys but absolute garbage when applied to game design.
Did the existence of ShadowKeeper for BG2 bother you? Would it have bothered you if it had been bundled with the game?

People are going to mess with their party configuration one way or the other. The more I think about it, the less I mind having that option baked in. Also somewhat reduces the risk of issues when the game expects one class and we've used a mod or something to force a different class.