Originally Posted by RagnarokCzD
But i said spec. smile
It bothers me beyond reasons that my character is forced to uphold his oath for his whole life ... until they meet first NPC and murder him for litteraly no reason just to get this subclass. :-/

Larian calls this "narative" ... i call it immersion breaking! laugh

I think we should be able to break our oath prior to this game story.
Ergo: Start as Oathbreaker.
There is at least some leniency...you can get your oath back at least one time for a price so one accident won't be the be all end all. But you are swearing an oath to a god that in this universe is real and watching and the source of some of your powers. It's not immersion braking, it's consequence. If there is an NPC that for whatever reason annoys you beyond reason you do have to mind whether it is worth the risk of breaking your oath to kill him. Especially if you had previously gained forgiveness for past transgressions.