Originally Posted by colinl8
And the new character still did all the same in-game choices, only they did them as the new them
I don't know what you even mean by that as it makes zero sense. You don't go back in time to re-make the choices you did as the "new you". You made the choices as who you are. It's better to think of respec as a change in career...it does not change the person you are. You can forget things and learn new things(though granted in a faster, more extreme, videogame sort of way) but it does not change who you are. You can behave differently, change everything about your personality, etc. but it does not change who you are...you are still the same person who made those choices in the past and you still have to live with their consequences.

Last edited by Darth_Trethon; 14/07/23 09:25 PM.