Originally Posted by Darth_Trethon
And there is another big problem with the doppelganger theory in that if you play as a warlock you will see your patron, if you are a paladin you can break you oath...those things could not happen to a doppelganger because a doppelganger would only mimic a warlock, it would not actually have a pact with a patron. A doppelganger would only mimic a Paladin, it would not have any oath that it would need to uphold or that it could break.

I don't think the tadpole-induced doppelganger theory rules any of that out. Once you accept that theory, no perception can be trusted as true, so any perception is possible.

I'm sad I haven't found the right way to explain my retcon thinking about it to you, because I feel like that's the approach with the fewest problems. *poof* We're retconned, however we got here, into the situation we find ourselves after respec. Yes, it also has epistemological ambiguity, but one that player is in complete control of