Originally Posted by AusarViled
Shadow: Shar clerics can not heal or use restoration spells from my memory. Yet she can
Astarion: a vampire not harmed by sun
Kar: claims she is from hell and fierce warrior,but can not take on a lvl 4 paladin. (Real Kal could, she is a dop and is weak)
Gale: Needs to feed on magic, as you said, arcane magic is hard to simulate. So mindflayers trick gale.
Laz: not recognized as a warrior by creche, despite being known (likely detect she is an imposter)
Wyll: has memory of glory days, but is utterly weak, super easy impersonation
Dark urge: a doppler who failed to identify / transform. So filled with a desire to dominate all like a minflayer.

Yes, yes, and also yes. But how much of that is because we got it in EA? The story we got was not entirely, but to a good degree, frozen in time three years ago. That's a long time for them to have worked out a lot of story issues.