Ok, i try one last time ... focus please.

*How co create Oathbreaker Paladin by Larian studios*
Step 1: Create a Paladin.
Step 2: Play as such Paladin.
Step 3: Break your oath at first possible moment, most likely by killing some civilian.

Why is this immersion breaking?
Bcs as you start your game, you are character that contradicts himself ... your oath is to protect the inocents ... but your intention is to kill inocents.
> Such character concept just dont make sense!

There is nothing wrong in that you *can* break your oath during the game ... having this possibility is good!
Could be executed a lot better tho, but thats not the point here.

What is wrong is that you cant play an Paladin who broke his oath day/week/month/year/decade/"feels like lifetime" ago ... before Nautiloid.
If you would start as Oathbreaker, your Paladin character can be an asshole ... evil as you want, cruel as you want, greedy as you want ... you name it, it dont matter, you can be whatever you want, bcs Oathbreaker is not limited by his Oath ... they can be whatever the hells they want.

If you dont, your Paladin character is a person who uphold his Oath ... and s/he did until now, it defines what they are ... and then at first chance, you break it.
How does that make any sense?
What is that so often mentioned "narrative" behind this?

Imagine ... i dunno, Superman!
Thats a good Paladin character example ...
You go to movie about Superman, and in first scene he murders someone ... no reason at all, no provocation, no previous narative, nothing ... just bcs he wanted to ... does that seem good? It doesnt to me.

Last edited by RagnarokCzD; 15/07/23 07:32 AM.

I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings. frown
Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are! frown