There is allready topic for this video: can find most answers there ... but just to make it faster:
Except, does anyone know where that leaves humans?
Yes, in dump.
Humans got the worse ... they lost 3 ASI
Shield Dwarves and Half Elves lost 1 ASI
And Dragonborns lost the only mechanical appeal for people to play them ... at least they still look cool, so they should be fine.
If they don't have that ASI anymore, what do they get?
Light armor proficiency
And Spears, Pikes, Halberds, Glaives proficiencies
It can be seen right on that video in time 1:01
It may seem like shit, and to be honest, it most likely is ...
But as we know from his other video about items, there will be racial specific items, that provides additional bonuses if certain race wields them.
It seems safe to presume Human-specific weapons will be Spears, Pikes, Halberds, or Glaives.
How usefull they will be tho, nobody really knows.
Are they going to make the baseline human a variant human (getting a feat at level 1)?
No, it was confirmed by Fextralife, and i believe Wolfheart aswell, that Larian clearly stated there will be NO Varian human at launch.
Are they going to get +1 to all ability scores in ADDITION to their class ASIs?
Nope, just +2, +1 as everyone ... and their potentialy stupid and useless profficiencies.