Rather than raising the level caps, DLC could include a new origin character, race, subclass, and a new (or expanded) area to explore (within Act 1, 2, or 3) that somehow relates to the origin character. With the work they put into each individual origin character, even adding a new one per DLC would be great.
I agree with the others saying they might not want to go above level 12 -- and I'm fine staying at the current height and just expanding the breadth/width.
Even if there's no DLC released, it appears to be a complete game. Unlike other game studios, that would probably hold back classes, subclasses, races, etc. or monetize each into microtransactions. We're very fortunate Larian doesn't operate the way other large game studios operate.
Whatever their "next thing" turns out to be, if they put the same amount of love into it as they did with BG3, their "next thing" will turn out great and I hope the best for them.
This is what I meant when I said ''width'', yes.
There's plenty they can add from other 5e books without going taller or adding new levels. And if the literal CEO of the company doesn't really knows or wants to go higher than 12 most likely is not going to happen.
More races, clases and subclases are the obvious option. Items, quests, origins, side areas, companions... there's a lot they can add to the game on expansions/dlcs.