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the gods are the worst part of forgotten realms, in my opinion.

none of it makes much sense. they're all these supposedly powerful beings that are about as smart as whoever happens to be writing them at the moment, which means that they're about as dumb as the average human sometimes. And their actions and powers and limitations and whatnot: it's all handwaving.

it's one of the problems you get when you have so many people involved in a creation over time. there are the occasional visionaries who bring gold to the table, and then there's everyone else, alas.

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Jhe'stil Kith'rak
Jhe'stil Kith'rak
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Originally Posted by Adgaroth
Originally Posted by Darth_Trethon
Originally Posted by Adgaroth
Is Jergal still a God? Does he have a portfolio? I think he retained some dominion over stuff when he gave his godly power to the dead 3 but I'm not a lore expert and I don't remember.
If he's just a convenient plot device to have easy access to revivify I'm going to be very disappointed.
I think Jergal just gave up his duties, and by gaining those duties the dead three gained the power of the office in a way...but Jergal did not lose his divinity I don't think. Strictly speaking Myrkul technically lost his position as god of the dead a long time ago as ne no longer judges the souls of the dead...there have been a few other gods of the dead since Myrkul, and he even worked for one or two of them but he hasn't lost his powers...he just doesn't go to the office to handle the paperwork anymore. Look D&D lore is messy...just think of it like becoming president or something. There's a lot of powers you gain with the office and a lot of that stuff you retain for life.

I thought the powers of the God comes from their followers are their portfolio/what they rule over, so if you don't rule over anything anymore and don't have followers either I though you couldn't be a god anymore, and I know a lot of this stuff changes with time and between editions so yeah, I don't know xD
I think? But Jergal has always been a little weird.

Remember the human (This is a forum for a video game):
JandK #865444 18/07/23 11:53 PM
Joined: Oct 2021
Jhe'stil Kith'rak
Jhe'stil Kith'rak
Joined: Oct 2021
Originally Posted by JandK
the gods are the worst part of forgotten realms, in my opinion.

none of it makes much sense. they're all these supposedly powerful beings that are about as smart as whoever happens to be writing them at the moment, which means that they're about as dumb as the average human sometimes. And their actions and powers and limitations and whatnot: it's all handwaving.

it's one of the problems you get when you have so many people involved in a creation over time. there are the occasional visionaries who bring gold to the table, and then there's everyone else, alas.
I think Ao also makes the Gods worse because they're not really Gods who represent their portfolios and derive power from belief; they are more like Ao's middle-managers.

Remember the human (This is a forum for a video game):
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Originally Posted by Zerubbabel
I think? But Jergal has always been a little weird.
All D&D gods are a bit weird. Mystra died three times, and is technically dead but not really as she still rules over magic. Similar to the Raven Queen who also died but not really as the Shadar-kai still work for her and she can sometimes be seen in her castle almost like a ghost haunting the place, etc. There's a lot of really vague weirdness going on with D&D deities. None of them seem to ever really die for good...either their essence reforms over time or there's some shenanigans going on all the time. It's best to think of godhood in D&D as a one way road. Once you get it you won't lose it.

Last edited by Darth_Trethon; 19/07/23 12:12 AM.
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Originally Posted by Darth_Trethon
Originally Posted by Zerubbabel
I think? But Jergal has always been a little weird.
All D&D gods are a bit weird. Mystra died three times, and is technically dead but not really as she still rules over magic. Similar to the Raven Queen who also died but not really as the Shadar-kai still work for her and she can sometimes be seen in her castle almost like a ghost haunting the place, etc. There's a lot of really vague weirdness going on with D&D deities. None of them seem to ever really die for good...either their essence reforms over time or there's some shenanigans going on all the time. It's best to think of godhood in D&D as a one way road. Once you get it you won't lose it.

Except the dead three aren't gods anymore, they got demoted after they all died to quasi-deities. I'm guessing if they can build up a large enough group of worshipers they can reach full divinity again.

Back from timeout.
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Originally Posted by benbaxter
Except the dead three aren't gods anymore, they got demoted after they all died to quasi-deities. I'm guessing if they can build up a large enough group of worshipers they can reach full divinity again.
Lesser gods technically but really there isn't much difference to speak of. It's not like dying held them back much because here they are, back to their old shenanigans.

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I liked the EA storytelling of the illithid powers growing. From what I seen so far--and hope it's wrong--is that you now, for some insane reason, decide to stick more and more tadpoles into your brain to chill. This pretty much killed any desire for me to explore the tadpole side of things. Because whomever thought it was a good idea story-wise, to put all this urgency in getting the tadpole out of our heads, even so much as throwing a bunch of people together that really have no interest in each other initially, just ruined it.

It was one thing to go, oh wow... the the tadpole isn't turning us. Oh wow, doing the psychic thing makes you stronger, and maybe the tadpole too since it's getting sated, let me explore this and see if at some point I might go, oh let me stop feeding it or get rid of it. But even after finding out that all the tadpoles are different, the expectation is still there that while you're not changing now, you might still and so you want to learn about it or get rid of it. But to make that jump to make the decision to put MORE into your head, just makes absolutely zero sense story-wise that we've learned thus far.

The only way I can see this not being stupid is if there was a story attached to why we're all of a sudden deciding it's a good idea to put more into our heads (and maybe there is, the Guardian might start talking to you about that earlier, like way earlier based on seeing the tree available super early). But even then, I will only even touch that if the story comes out and says something along the lines of "you insert this new tadpole into your head, as it burrows deeper into your brain the current occupant lashes out killing the new interloper and consumes it... you feel it grow stronger." I don't care if the idea is the more in your head, the more your brain is going dark and getting consumed. I'm not having multiples squirming about.

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it's a wonder anyone in forgotten realms is still alive, what with all the crazy gods and monsters and endless bandits. Bhaalspawn battling in the streets, archwizards and epic artifacts.

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The early access narrative of you using the tadpole in for speech checks and the dream lady and becoming marked as a True Soul is still in the game but that's not how you get powers from it anymore...which is a good thing imo because now you get flexibility in choice and can get powers that actually help you a lot more and might be more beneficial to your build or class.

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Originally Posted by Adgaroth
One thing I find interesting and I've seen nobody speaking about it is, to my eyes, that the mindflayers are pretty much the underdogs on this mess and something is wrong with them or with their tadpoles in general.

The moment you start the game and the mindflayer that puts the tadpole in your eye appears, there's already a dead mindflayer on the ground before the fight with the githyanki starts. It makes me wonder if they're and actual threat or they're being used and abused.

And ofc considering the new tadpole is new lore they can do whatever they want with it as long as WotC agrees and from what Sven has said they pretty much have complete freedom.

If we have to kill literal weakened gods or their avatars at level 12 I think it would make sense to chose between growing your onw personal power via tadpole and other stuff, or growing in strength via allies and the power of friendship, wich is what I think they're going from what we heard on the PFH

It is all a speculation from my part but I would not call them underdogs. That death count could be actually due to dabbling in a very dark magic (aka a radiation-like side effect). I am left with the impression from one particular scene in the EA that they play a strong role in the whole Absolute thing and it is possible they might be pulling the strings. They are certainly being backed by another entity (which might try to double cross them) but they have definitely acquired enormous influence and power. The recovery of the nautiloid technology is one of the proofs for that.

From the Forgotten Realms wiki

By the late 15th century DR, nautiloids had become extremely rare. A few mind flayer colonies still had access to a nautiloid, but kept their existence hidden and only used their ships for evacuation of the elder brain in case of an emergency or rarely during an offensive maneuver, owing to their constant fear of being detected by gith hunting parties. At this time, the illithids had lost the secrets of constructing new nautiloids and did not dare risk losing the few they had left.

The fact they are using those as an offensive weapon is disturbing indeed.

Last edited by Scales & Fangs; 19/07/23 01:29 AM.
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@Scales & Fangs

I'm just speculating too and I also like your take because my other option was exactly that, them trying to somehow modify tadpoles with magic provided from a 3rd party xD

Last edited by Adgaroth; 19/07/23 01:47 AM.
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Makes me wonder ...
Do you think this means only one member of our party will be able to unlock full potential?

I mean ... i kinda enjoyed torturing shadowheart by making her weak and subdue to tadpole dialogue options ...
This will likely become not possible huh? frown

Last edited by RagnarokCzD; 19/07/23 07:23 AM.

I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings. frown
Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are! frown
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Originally Posted by RagnarokCzD
Makes me wonder ...
Do you think this means only one member of our party will be able to unlock full potential?

I mean ... i kinda enjoyed torturing shadowheart by making her weak and subdue to tadpole dialogue options ...
This will likely become not possible huh? frown
The tadpole dialogue options will still be there in the final game. They will just be detached from the tadpole power upgrades. But you can still do the tadpole wisdom checks and still earn the True Soul branding and so on.

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So we need the 'True Soul' Brand from Gut to use any 'Absolute' tagged equipment? Curious if some of the Legendary items (I think there are 9) require the Brand. Wonder if you can pay a cleric in the City of Baldur's Gate to remove it if it becomes a problem. People assuming we are with the Cult instead of a deep cover spy might be more difficult if we have the tattoo that most of the zealots and fanatics are marked with.

Evil always finds a way.
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Originally Posted by SoulfulAzrael
Originally Posted by Gray Ghost
I'm fully in favour of differences between good and bad paths, even in favor of evil paths getting better stuff in some ways. It's the framing I take issue with.

I think the best way to put my issues with the new tadpole powers is this; based on what Swen apparently said, the devs identified what they felt was an issue in the design, little to do between level ups late in the game. They then created a solution to this perceived problem. But that solution only applied if players play a certain way. I think that principle is what bothers me. I feel like it's framed not as purely a story or thematic consideration. When it's put like that it makes me feel like... to use an analogy, it feels to me like Larian noticed a crack in the foundation of an apartment building. And they patched it up but only in a way that certain people who agreed to only abide by certain rules could benefit from. Sure you can still live in the building, but if you don't behave the way they want, then you apartment could crumble.

So it doesn't feel like they're doing this to make the evil path more tempting, they're doing it because they consider the tadpole path to be the valid and proper one, and deviating from that is the "other" path, the anomalous one that's there for people to do if they really want to but is weird and niche and doesn't deserve the same attention.
That is the issue too. It's concerning how they do not seem to care about people that want to play good. Their whole thing about temptation is pretty much about how much better you will have a time playing on more evil side while on good side you will not be having fun. That is not doing temptation well I think. That is making your game worse for many people and it's honestly dumb. Doesn't help that an evil path so far looks like a puppy kicking side for no reason too so there is not even room for some more interesting role play as an evil side.

We've played ~17% of the total size of the game thus far and was spoiled that the tadpole system has changed. You can't speak with absolutes and go "omg, good players are getting shafted... waaaaah." You have absolutely no idea what's in place for good players. What content they might get access to, what sets of gear and weapons that may add extra abilities that could be better. Not to mention the whole premise that tadpoles = evil is wrong. Unless you completely lose control of your character and it goes on a murder spree without your consent, there is nothing keeping you from taking the tadpole powers and using them for good. On the contrary, it's usually a more compelling story when someone is tempted to power for good and falls off the wagon, or runs into the consequence of that dire decision than being like "power, power, powers get in MY head."

Bad consequence to the players does not equate EVIL. It just means bad consequences to the player. Just like good players can have bad consequences for being good.

JandK #865727 19/07/23 10:38 AM
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Originally Posted by JandK
The dream persona offered vague explanations and promises. That is very different from what the guardian seems to be. From what I've seen, the guardian appears to be much more direct and straightforward, getting to the point.

Which leaves me thinking either:

1. it got rewritten/tweaked after devs read how the players were interpreting the character, or
2. It was intentionally vague in early access to hide truths about the plot and keep some mystery for release.

To me, this is a big enough change that it warrants playing and learning more about before any real insight is possible.


Regarding divine intervention, sure. But that means the god has to choose to intervene. And the DM is the one who decides whether or not the deity in question intervenes. And Larian is the DM. Little bit of a circular thing going on here.


Speculation that the guardian is Shar? Is there a good argument for that somewhere? I haven't seen anyone put forward that theory.

I'm open to possibilities, but I'm not sure I'm on board with that one without learning much more.

There can't be. Since Larian said they rewrote how the dream "lover" is and it is now an actual in game NPC called the Guardian. So only people who got to play the 5 hours the day before the last panel of hell got to see anything on it.

One interesting thing though, that immediately hit me, was its name. The Guardian. Sven LOVED the ultima series, and specifically thought Ultima 7 was the best early RPG (7 was the best of the series). And there is an ultimate evil in that game, with near divine level powers called the Guardian. You eventually find out exactly who the Guardian is by the end of the series, and finally take care of him. But the similarities between the two are compelling. The Guardian in ultima would often speak to the avatar in his dreams, or seemingly out of nothingness at times to address the avatar directly.

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Originally Posted by Adgaroth
Originally Posted by Darth_Trethon
Originally Posted by Adgaroth
Is Jergal still a God? Does he have a portfolio? I think he retained some dominion over stuff when he gave his godly power to the dead 3 but I'm not a lore expert and I don't remember.
If he's just a convenient plot device to have easy access to revivify I'm going to be very disappointed.
I think Jergal just gave up his duties, and by gaining those duties the dead three gained the power of the office in a way...but Jergal did not lose his divinity I don't think. Strictly speaking Myrkul technically lost his position as god of the dead a long time ago as ne no longer judges the souls of the dead...there have been a few other gods of the dead since Myrkul, and he even worked for one or two of them but he hasn't lost his powers...he just doesn't go to the office to handle the paperwork anymore. Look D&D lore is messy...just think of it like becoming president or something. There's a lot of powers you gain with the office and a lot of that stuff you retain for life.

I thought the powers of the God comes from their followers are their portfolio/what they rule over, so if you don't rule over anything anymore and don't have followers either I though you couldn't be a god anymore, and I know a lot of this stuff changes with time and between editions so yeah, I don't know xD

Jergal relinquished his divine authority over death to Kelemvor, but he retained a diminished role and continued to serve as a steward of the dead and an observer of fate. He became a subordinate of Kelemvor, taking on the position of a demigod, and his portfolio shifted to encompass record-keeping, bureaucracy, and the inevitability of death.

Seems like Withers could actually be Jergal himself. I think he avoids the question when you asked him about the divine influence you feel around him.

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I would be very pleased if the dark side will be tempted with more power - even as a 'good' player I think that is a very smart way of doing things and I absolutely don't mind if the good guys end up weaker. My only complaint about what we have seen in the EA is Larian's approach - 'You don't play the way we want you to, well then you get nothing' - because ignoring the Tadpole powers also meant you didn't get any cinematic, story, or anything. You never met the 'desire' (making their creation as pointless as it gets). The game wasn't reactive, it ignored so far a good aligned Tav as a bothersome choice Larian had to put in there because people demand it, but at the same time they don't want to put work into.

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old hand
old hand
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Originally Posted by biomag
ignoring the Tadpole powers also meant you didn't get any cinematic, story, or anything. You never met the 'desire' (making their creation as pointless as it gets).

Yeah, this was my main issue with the whole thing, which I'm pretty sure I grumbled about on these forums back in the day. You miss so many important moments with your companions and a fair-sized slice of the plot, but nothing replaces that. I couldn't care less about special powers - I'd just like an equally rich story. I'm still unsure whether they've actually addressed this issue (partially yes, partially no, it sounds like?).

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Originally Posted by Tarlonniel
Originally Posted by biomag
ignoring the Tadpole powers also meant you didn't get any cinematic, story, or anything. You never met the 'desire' (making their creation as pointless as it gets).

Yeah, this was my main issue with the whole thing, which I'm pretty sure I grumbled about on these forums back in the day. You miss so many important moments with your companions and a fair-sized slice of the plot, but nothing replaces that. I couldn't care less about special powers - I'd just like an equally rich story. I'm still unsure whether they've actually addressed this issue (partially yes, partially no, it sounds like?).

By the time I saw the desire mentioned on this forum I had the EA completed and completely forgot that I created one at the beginning laugh
But I also missed out on a lot of dialog since I didn't rest enough... and ignoring the tadpole on my recent playthrough I once again didn't see anything from her... it feels a lot like I'm just there to experience my companions' rich background (but at the same time I don't have a good enough report with them to even see that :D) ... so yeah, as long as Tav get's at least some of the basic story even if they don't go for the tadpole's power and the slightly suspicious Guardian I'm fine with whatever the 'evil' playthrough gets when it comes to power.

Last edited by biomag; 19/07/23 01:01 PM.
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