Originally Posted by Zerubbabel
Originally Posted by Adgaroth
Originally Posted by Kendaric
Originally Posted by Zerubbabel
Fascinating how close it is, but not enough people have voted.

Also what changes were made to Ravenloft for diversity?

They changed the gender of some Darklords and completely rewrote some of them. For example Falkovnia is now ruled by Vladeska Drakov (in 3.x Falkovnia's ruler was Vlad Drakov), another such change was made to Dementlieu and to a few other domains. It was, at least to me, all extremely heavy-handed and generally not explained with in-setting events. They also changed the Vistani a lot.

All in all, I prefer the 3.x version of the setting.

Let me guess, the Vistani are no longer gypsies that want to steal from you or curse you? xD
The Vistani were kinda a racist caricature though...

It's a fictional game with a fictional world and a fictional story, worrying about real world issues withing a game makes no sense.

Nobody is going to play a game where everyone is happy and fair and just and there's no conflict and everybody is equal because it's not fun.

Slavery is bad, no one wants slavery to be a thing in the real world, but I have 0 problems having it on games, same for racism. Can't drow hate elves because it's not PC? come on xD