
Ok, have you seen 300? why are half of the persians abominations? is it racist?

Let's say they made a game taking south american colonization as a base and the invaders/conquerors are sadistic hedonistic abominations that only want to erradicate half of the world, should I be offended because I'm spanish?

Games are made to entertain, and many of them base their lore,races or events on the real world, if we took what you said by heart there shouldn't be any movie or game about WW1 or WW2, or serial killers or basically anything that might hurt the sensibilities of any person.

Feudal Japan was a very shitty place and it's always stereotyped in media as a place where everybody was honorable and bushido this and whatever and nobody cares, because people want to see ninja and samurai.

And if you don't like a part of the forgotten realms world-building just made the changes you see fit for you and the people you play with. And of course the same applies the other way around, I don't care what is canon and what is not I ultimately will play the game whoever I want but it's not the same for videogames because you don't have such freedom of choice, you can only play what's programmed.

TL;DR -> Let fiction have diversity in every way.

Originally Posted by Kendaric
I guess it's best to agree to disagree before the debate gets anymore heated, as it seems to be sensitive topic for some.

I'm just having a normal conversation here, I don't think there's need for anyone to get heated xD

Originally Posted by colinl8
Friendly note, I think this might be slipping into "making work for the moderators" territory, and I'd hate to see this thread locked 😀

That would be a very bad Mod work to close a thread because you don't like 3 or 4 comments (instead of deleting those comments if needed) but don't worry I won't say more.

Last edited by Adgaroth; 18/07/23 10:04 PM.