Originally Posted by ToLazy4Name
Originally Posted by N7Greenfire
You get medium armor profincy and polarms instead. Much better than 1 attribute point
I disagree.
Originally Posted by OwlMort
I mean for the most part you can opt out of it yourself by putting the ability score increases on the races traditional stats, there's nothing to stop you from giving your wood elf +2 dex and +1 wis, the only the races you can't do this with are the ones that got extra ASI's (human, half elf, and mountain dwarf).
Yes, I know. My point is that screws over those races that previously got more than a combined total of 3 points, and as others have pointed out it makes certain optimal choices very strange. Again, if this is just made into an optional toggle then everyone wins.
That point would have been spent in dex or con reguardless, and that 1 point would be worth less in tank stats than medium armour.

Last edited by N7Greenfire; 19/07/23 12:48 AM.