old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
That point would have been spent in dex or con reguardless, and that 1 point would be worth less in tank atats than medium armour. I'll take that over polearms and armor that I don't intend to use. In any case, I'm not here to argue my build ideas, I'm here to argue that this new system shouldn't just replace the old system and that you should be able to choose which system you use. You said you couldent play a half drow sorcerer because you felt it was weaker now, that combo is actually stronger now. If you really want to hold your character back till you can mod race stats thats up to you I guess.
Joined: Aug 2016
You said you couldent play a half drow sorcerer because you felt it was weaker now, that combo is actually stronger now. . That's your opinion. In my opinion, I would take an extra attribute point over polearms and armor that I don't want to use.
Last edited by ToLazy4Name; 19/07/23 01:00 AM.
Joined: Apr 2013
I disagree with your point about the +6 being overkill, I was going to use humans as my race for wacky multiclass options that use more than 2 main stats. Again though, I'm not here to argue my build ideas or optimizations, I just want the old system to be an optional toggle. I appreciate that you're trying to mitigate my dislike of the new system, but I am simply never going to like it, though again I appreciate what it's trying to do and that many others will prefer it. Have your system, but please don't erase mine. If you are planning a whacky multiclass then medium armor is even better. Medium armor is the best for any character that isn't going over 16 dex and doesn't use heavy armor. Being able to have solid armor with a bit of dex bonus(max +2 from dex) is the best armor option for a character planning to go jack of all trades multiclass.
Last edited by Darth_Trethon; 19/07/23 01:01 AM.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
You said you couldent play a half drow sorcerer because you felt it was weaker now, that combo is actually stronger now. . That's your opinion. In my opinion, I would take an extra attribute point over polearms and armor that I don't want to use. That might be your personal choice, and like I said that's fine, but mathematically your combo is stronger now so you shouldn't feel held back, play what you want.  .
Joined: Aug 2021
Putting arcane casters in medium armour is min-maxer BS, though. We're talking half-plate. Basically the idea seems to be that your arcane super-nerd decided to suddenly go out into the yard and play in the mud with the squires to learn how to move and jump and roll and parry and dodge while wearing fairly heavy armour.
Why not insist that your character is actually from planet Krypton while you're at it?
Joined: Sep 2020
Where does the medium armor proficiency for half-elves come from again?
Humans get Light Armor proficiency, yeah? Do half-elves get medium armor??
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
Putting arcane casters in medium armour is min-maxer BS, though. We're talking half-plate. Basically the idea seems to be that your arcane super-nerd decided to suddenly go out into the yard and play in the mud with the squires to learn how to move and jump and roll and parry and dodge while wearing fairly heavy armour.
Why not insist that your character is actually from planet Krypton while you're at it? Half plate doesn't weigh that much and draconic sorcerers already exhist as more rough and tumble casters. That's not to mention plenty of the wizard schools are used mostly for gishing
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
I thought humans got medium too? Maybe I missremembered.
Joined: Sep 2017
Nobody is paying modders. I'm paying 100$ for Larian's game. Wish this was an option. It weakens the differences between races. It means the strongest halfling will be as strong as the strongest half orc. That seems weird. Lol or the healthiest half elf will be as healthy as the healthiest dwarf. Please make this maje sense. Dwarves, elves, and half orcs should not be treated as different style of humans. It is what it us. Lack of options is kewl.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
Nobody is paying modders. I'm paying 100$ for Larian's game. Wish this was an option. It weakens the differences between races. It means the strongest halfling will be as strong as the strongest half orc. That seems weird. Lol or the healthiest half elf will be as healthy as the healthiest dwarf. Please make this maje sense. Dwarves, elves, and half orcs should not be treated as different style of humans. It is what it us. Lack of options is kewl. That's not as weird as gnomes being inharently better wizards than humans when humans have multiple wizards that could exterminate the gnomish race single handedly. And barbarians don't operate on normal biology anyway.
Last edited by N7Greenfire; 19/07/23 01:28 AM.
Joined: Apr 2020
I mean for the most part you can opt out of it yourself by putting the ability score increases on the races traditional stats, there's nothing to stop you from giving your wood elf +2 dex and +1 wis, the only the races you can't do this with are the ones that got extra ASI's (human, half elf, and mountain dwarf). Indeed, a dextrous elf has become no more dextrus than a dextrous half-orc or human. And an exceptionally strong half-orc has become no stronger than an exceptionally strong halfling. Meanwhile, dwarfs now gain what exactly that they didn't gain before, to make up for the fact that they're as a whole no tougher than gnomes? What advantage does a dwarf fighter have over a gnome fighter, for instance? How about a dragonborn fighter, are they scarier or tougher or stronger than high elf fighters? I can do a whole bunch of stuff, but there's absolutely no way for me to pretend that any races are inherently stronger or tougher or smarter or more coordinated in their movements, because the game plain and simply contradicts that notion in very explicit terms. And the end result, like I said, would seemingly be that the meta will end up being martial races for squishy classes and squishy races for martial classes, because the martial races really don't offer any kind of synergy with martial classes. TBH I find ASI's to be the most boring and flavourless race feature so I don't really care whether they're floating, set, or attached to something other then race. I just don't notice the different between playing a character with 15 in their attack stat instead of 16/17, its only a +1, it doesn't stand out in actual play. When playing instead of building it's features like orcs powerful build letting you carry weight and grapple enemies like your large size, and halfling nimbleness letting you dart through enemy squares, and being able to see in the dark as a dwarf, that actually make me feel like I'm playing something other then a human in a mask. When i play a dragonborn it's because i want to play a awesome dragon person who breaths fire not because i want +1 to my weapon attack, when i play a half orc it's because i want to play a tough orc person whose so tough they keep standing when others would fall unconscious not cause i want +1 to weapon attack. The removal of heavy armour str requirements and tool proficiencies does more to hurt dwarf than the loss of +1 does mountain dwarf - I hope that they've been given new cool flavourful creatures to make up for it. I know other people care about ASI's, and fair enough, but floating asi's don't make races feel the same to me. (I also hope 5e revised/5.1 replaces things like elves keen senses with something more interesting than a perception proficiency that anyone can get from their BG or class, and that they rename subraces to cultures and seperate out learned things like skills and weapons into cultures and keep race/lineage as only the physical things like darkvision and powerful build. But that's beyond the scope of this topic so nevermind me  )
Joined: Sep 2021
Look, I get that the new system of no set racial attributes and instead having a generic +2/+1 to allocate wherever you want allows you to use certain race/class combos that normally wouldn't work very well like a half-orc wizard and stuff like that, but I REALLY do not want to use this new system. I want to use the system that has been in the game for the entirety of the early access period. The new system heavily changes/straight up nerfs many of the races, and I DO NOT want these changes. Will we be able to switch back to the OG system? I don't have a problem with the new system existing, but I'm going to be flabbergasted if this isn't optional since the old system has been in use for ~3 years and is already created, so why erase it instead of making it an option? Can't you just relocate these points where you normally would for the chosen race? That should do the trick for you. I am actually okay with that change, though I might stick with the original racial distribution. My sorcerer build has been long done.
Last edited by Scales & Fangs; 19/07/23 01:32 AM.
Joined: Aug 2016
Can't you just relocate these points where you normally would for the chosen race? That should do the trick for you.
I am actually okay with that change, though I might stick with the original racial distribution. My sorcerer build has been long done. No, because some races literally have less attribute points now. Half-elves, shield dwarfs and humans off the top of my head.
Joined: Sep 2020
I thought humans got medium too? Maybe I missremembered. Afaik humans (and thus half-elves?) only get light armor & polearms proficiency. Humans also get extra carry weight, while half-elves get...nothing else? Idk though, I might be wrong. It's unclear because many of the videos out there are using a class that already gives some armor (& weapon) proficiencies... :\ If half-elves only get Light Armor (or even No Armor) proficiency, then none of the above discussion about how "half elf casters are now better because they can wear medium armor instead of having that extra +1 ASI" is still applicable. Also, even if half-elves gained a medium armor proficiency, they still wouldn't be strictly stronger than the old +2/+1/+1 half-elves. They'll be at least 1 point weaker in some stat(s), meaning they'll be stronger in some regards (AC) and likely worse in others (skill checks, STs, HP, etc).
Joined: Jun 2019
Meh. I don't care much about the min-maxing, but I *do* care about the racial things having relevance in the universe. Dwarves ought to be more tanky than elves. Elves ought to be more dextrous than Half Orcs. Half Orcs ough to be stronger than Humans, Humans ought to be more versatile than everyone else. +1
DRAGON FIRE-AND DOOM Dragons? Splendid things, lad-so long as ye look upon them only in tapestries, or in the masks worn at revels, or from about three realms off... Astragarl Hornwood, Mage of Elembar - Year of the Tusk
Joined: Jul 2023
Nobody is paying modders. I'm paying 100$ for Larian's game. Wish this was an option. It weakens the differences between races. It means the strongest halfling will be as strong as the strongest half orc. That seems weird. Lol or the healthiest half elf will be as healthy as the healthiest dwarf. Please make this maje sense. Dwarves, elves, and half orcs should not be treated as different style of humans. It is what it us. Lack of options is kewl. But... that's the way it has been for the lifespan of 5e? That's a terrible argument. 18 STR for a Halfling is the same as 18 STR for a Half-Orc. The strongest halfling IS as strong as the strongest half-orc. That's the way it works. If you want to lean on that might as well go back to the ridiculous years of women having different stats from men. Honestly, I like this change and am glad it's the one going live. I don't see a need or a point in Larian letting people swap between systems; this is the EA version, not release. The only things that should be 100% set in stone are what we get on launch date, and even then things are liable to change or be buffed/nerfed. I'd rather they keep poking at things they actually need to advance, not go backwards. Frankly, the dialogue issues for co-op are a significantly bigger issue than Half-Elves and Humans suddenly not being the normal meta pick for once.
Joined: Aug 2016
I don't see a need or a point in Larian letting people swap between systems Why? This has been the system we've had for 3 years and many people prefer it. It's already implemented, making it an option would not be difficult at all. I'm glad you enjoy the new system, but why do you actively want the rest of us to have to suffer it when we could both easily get what we want here?
Last edited by ToLazy4Name; 19/07/23 02:23 AM.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
Nobody is paying modders. I'm paying 100$ for Larian's game. Wish this was an option. It weakens the differences between races. It means the strongest halfling will be as strong as the strongest half orc. That seems weird. Lol or the healthiest half elf will be as healthy as the healthiest dwarf. Please make this maje sense. Dwarves, elves, and half orcs should not be treated as different style of humans. It is what it us. Lack of options is kewl. But... that's the way it has been for the lifespan of 5e? That's a terrible argument. 18 STR for a Halfling is the same as 18 STR for a Half-Orc. The strongest halfling IS as strong as the strongest half-orc. That's the way it works. If you want to lean on that might as well go back to the ridiculous years of women having different stats from men. Honestly, I like this change and am glad it's the one going live. I don't see a need or a point in Larian letting people swap between systems; this is the EA version, not release. The only things that should be 100% set in stone are what we get on launch date, and even then things are liable to change or be buffed/nerfed. I'd rather they keep poking at things they actually need to advance, not go backwards. Frankly, the dialogue issues for co-op are a significantly bigger issue than Half-Elves and Humans suddenly not being the normal meta pick for once. Its funny because people will unironically say half orcs should be stronger than humans when one of the sample backgrounds for the barbarian is literally a human Jojo walking up to a frost giant.
Joined: Apr 2020
For me, these racial adjustments reflect some average difference between races in the fantasy world. Dwarves, on AVERAGE, are stronger than other races. but in the case of a HERO of this game, the protagonist, you could be the strongest deep gnome ever, the Warrior champion of the Deep Gnomes, and start with the +2 to STR. Maybe your top STR will not be as high as that of the strongest Dwarf, so maybe your limit should be around 20, at least 2 less than the limit for dwarves. but I don´t think D&D 5E deals with that...right !? Does a Half-Orc have higher upper limit for Strength than a Human or Elf ?! I doubt. Larian´s approach is precisely the opposite! Let people focus on character build, on choosing the race they want to enjoy more..not worrying about another +1 to specific abilities. I like Larian´s decision... you can play the most charismatic Dwarf, the wisest Tiefling, the strongest Human. You are the protagonist! not the average individual in Forgotten Realms. Embrace it 
Joined: Aug 2016
Embrace it  Again, I'm glad you enjoy it, but I do not. I will not embrace it. The moment mods become available to revert this change, I will download them. In the meantime, I don't understand why you or anyone else would be opposed to making an option to just use the old system. You have your system, why not let me have mine?