Originally Posted by ToLazy4Name
Look, I get that the new system of no set racial attributes and instead having a generic +2/+1 to allocate wherever you want allows you to use certain race/class combos that normally wouldn't work very well like a half-orc wizard and stuff like that, but I REALLY do not want to use this new system. I want to use the system that has been in the game for the entirety of the early access period. The new system heavily changes/straight up nerfs many of the races, and I DO NOT want these changes. Will we be able to switch back to the OG system? I don't have a problem with the new system existing, but I'm going to be flabbergasted if this isn't optional since the old system has been in use for ~3 years and is already created, so why erase it instead of making it an option?

Can't you just relocate these points where you normally would for the chosen race? That should do the trick for you.

I am actually okay with that change, though I might stick with the original racial distribution. My sorcerer build has been long done.

Last edited by Scales & Fangs; 19/07/23 01:32 AM.