Originally Posted by N7Greenfire
I thought humans got medium too? Maybe I missremembered.
Afaik humans (and thus half-elves?) only get light armor & polearms proficiency. Humans also get extra carry weight, while half-elves get...nothing else? Idk though, I might be wrong. It's unclear because many of the videos out there are using a class that already gives some armor (& weapon) proficiencies... :\

If half-elves only get Light Armor (or even No Armor) proficiency, then none of the above discussion about how "half elf casters are now better because they can wear medium armor instead of having that extra +1 ASI" is still applicable. Also, even if half-elves gained a medium armor proficiency, they still wouldn't be strictly stronger than the old +2/+1/+1 half-elves. They'll be at least 1 point weaker in some stat(s), meaning they'll be stronger in some regards (AC) and likely worse in others (skill checks, STs, HP, etc).