TSR, WoTc, genius at marketing lol I know 3.0 could get inflated, we never made it that far, yEs I have some great NPC, epic. we had more fun in the creating. Also We would play fast and lose with 3.0 always tried to keep things moving.
Lol, yup. I literally 'took ten' and 'took five' for my attack and damage rolls for mobs. It was just so much quicker.
hehe, I didn't go that far. Mostly I would do quick checks on grappling larger opponents, or things that tend to have my friends wanting to look through the PHB or DMG lol we did that for a year, and that was fun too. Just love 3rd edition my first book wasn't even the rules it was the forgotten realms campaign setting,
and all the old days came rushing back and we were hooked again, I hadn't played since I was a teenager, So off to Black and Read ( local book and gaming store here in Colorado) Any way I ramble

one last thing, another reason I love 3.0 is the artwork, IMO best renditions of monsters and Races particularly the Dwarves!