Originally Posted by N7Greenfire
Originally Posted by FreeTheSlaves
Going by unconfirmed rumour, my human paladin is going to get redundant racial weapon/armour proficiencies, lose 2 points of Dex, but can carry another barrel (?!):

16,14,14,9,12,14 becomes 16,12,14,8,12,14

That's a downgrade.

I want to have a fair archery skill without sacrificing Con, but paladins re MAD and default human allows me to hit the numbers I want. Throwing javelins requires extra clicking and believe you me, all those extra clicks are felt after a couple of hours.

I'll be looking at Mods asap.
Its all going to depend on the race buff weapons really. If the race weapon bonus is strong enough the redundant proficiency won't matter.

No, it's not. Not everyone gives a damn about those race weapons and will use them. I certainly don't and I'm not alone in this.
No matter how much you like the change to racial ASI and try to convince everybody how "great it is", I still think that we should have the option to use the old and better racial ASI system. The floating +2/+1 ASI system can rot in hell for all I care.