Nope, you loose +1 to everthing, and instead you get +2 to your main stat, and +1 to one offstat. Therefore you cant loose two points of Dex, only one.
Originally Posted by FreeTheSlaves
16,14,14,9,12,14 becomes 16,12,14,8,12,14
That doesnt seem corect ...
16,14,14,9,12,14 becomes 16,13,14,8,11,13 ... if you wand Con to be your second stat, or 16,13,13,8,11,14 ... if you wand Cha to be your second stat, or 16,14,13,8,11,13 ... if you wand Dex to be your second stat.
Okay, default human is the race that has special relationship with the point buy system; that's its great strength. Specifically, increasing stats below 13 costs 1 point, and increasing stats 13 or higher, 2 points.
Human is the one race that can get a whole lot of 14's. Their total modifiers can reach +9, whereas other races cap at +5 or +6.
I can play with the point buy system and new +2/+1 ASI to get 16,12,14,8,12,14 (+3,+1,+2,-1,+1,+2) to get total +8. A slight downgrade, but downgrade nonetheless.
All your listed permutations are still downgrades under the new system. A high Str/Cha build (16,12,14,9,10,16) under the old system becomes 16,12,13,8,10,16 under the new. You lose a key point in Con and therefore have fewer hps.