We have the ability score bonuses and the other racial bonuses. The ide was that the ability score was no longer to be tied to race. OK. But not the other bonuses? It seems strange to me that if small races can be strong now, why not big races can be cunning? Why can't human choose to have Gnome Cunning? In fact why can't we compose our bonuses completely freely? That would actually make race only appearance as they seem to want.
Nobody wants race to be only appearance. Racial ASI are just the worst way possible to underline their differences and the system is getting rid of that. A lv20 halfling barbarian has always been stronger than a lv20 half-orc fighter. Nothing changed except for the fact that the halfing barbarian doesn't have to suffer for the first four levels of his career only to live his fantasy.
Originally Posted by howlingSun
What we will get now is that small races will be best for martials and the martial races best for casters. A fighter gets nada from being Human, witch is strange, but Gnome Cunning would be great for a figher to mitigate their mental saves etc. It just creates a new imbalance of racials.
Races has always been unbalanced, this is just a new way to be unbalanced. Balance is utopic anyways, the least important goal possible to follow in a system that is supposed to revolve around telling stories.