I personally don't care because I just want to play the game, but I get the problem that others are expressing.

Why not, for example, let humans have the lucky trait or gnome's cunning? Why not? It's just for the player to be atypical, and surely a human can be lucky, right?

Why not let a dwarf have a free cantrip? It's an atypical dwarf, after all, who happens to be closely connected to the weave, but isn't a sorcerer or wizard or nothing.

In other words, just to let the player play what the player wants, why not take all the racial special qualities and put them in a generic list that the player can choose from, regardless of race?

This kind of stuff just isn't fun for a lot of people, and it feels fake and forced in an effort to appease folks who abhor working within a framework that acknowledges real difference, real diversity.


The problem, in my opinion, is that the "fantasy" aspect of the genre is no longer about magic and blades, but rather it's a fantasy of expectations.


Again, all of that said, I don't really care. I just want to play the game.

Last edited by JandK; 19/07/23 12:51 PM.