My own planned character concept will be made a bit less powerful by the change, by denying me one attribute level that was important to me because my character concept depends on having a high value in a non-primary attribute for roleplaying reasons, while giving me nothing I value in return, what
That exactly ...
Look, we get that you dont care ... we do.
If that is all you come to tell us, then thank you for your opinion and that will be all i presume?
I'm not sure you fully understand this fact, but the guy you quoted is totally allowed to express an opinion you disagree with. And he has every right to expect not to have someone passive aggressively attempt to shut him up ("and that will be all I presume?"). Don't deny this is what you tried to do here, it's as plain as day.
Don't over-exaggerate your status as an obsessive poster. It doesn't give you the right to dictate or even discourage someone else's opinion. If you don't like it or think it doesn't add much just bite your tongue and move on. From his previous posts I found him to be a thoughtful poster who avoids rancour and attempts some logical thought behind his posts. His opinion is as equally valid on this, or any other, as yours or mine.
Posts like yours are why this forum is regarded by a lot of people as unfriendly or even sometimes hostile.
When someone makes a "i'm concerned about 'y'" thread and a poster says "not an issue for me" and "stop getting worked up about it" I think it's fair to call them out on it, especially when it's clear they're not trying to understand the other side of the argument.