Originally Posted by Sansang2
Originally Posted by Odieman
Originally Posted by Lord Marshal
Oh for the love of Pete, just put the points where they were originally. Optional means you can put them where you want. So put them in their original places.

Cant be done. Humans lose +1 to all 6 stats and is replaced wtih +2 +1 to two stats.

Dwarves go from +2 +2 to +2 +1 and Half Elves from +2 +1 +1 (if I remember correctly), to again +2/+1. I bleieve one of the Elf races is also affected.

Hopefully they will revert, or come to their senses. But your suggestion is my plan, for those races where possible. The rest I will not play, my ocd prevents me :P

So 20 or so races gets literally improved while three have a minor debuff (which larian tried to compensate in a poor way) and the whole system is suddendly trash now?

I'm all for options and I will gladly accept an option that I will not use, not even for humans, but let's not pretend that the game is suddendly unplayable because two races and a subrace got the short straw.

I and many would argue against your point of them being "literally improved", they get the same bland treatment is what they get. Less rigid differentiation based on fantasy race = less immersion, less diversity (from race to race). And it replaces the default system from d&D 5E which most d&d players prefer (atleast in my circle and I know about 30 of them personally).

Offcourse its not unplayable, but it cant be argued that Larians decision on this one isnt controversial among d&d players. Just as it was with Tashas Cauldron to everything for 5E.
It should be an optional system at best, nothing more, just as in 5E.

Racial ability score bonuses account for a large part of what sets the d&D races apart, removing that outright normalices the fantasy world, thats not an automatic + for everyone.

EDIT: Needed to check myself a bit :P.

Last edited by Odieman; 19/07/23 03:34 PM.

"They say he who smelt it dealt it."
Sooo technically... this burnt corpse is your fault officer."