The new system sucks balance wise. It completely negates opportunity cost that racial bonuses had. Elves gave you good racial traits but you HAD to have +2 DEX. Half elves had fewer racial bonuses from elven side but they had ASI flexibility and one additional ASI point. Dragonborn have probably the worst racial bonuses but were the only ones that had +2 STR / + 1 CHR. And even though this system was not perfect, simply removing fixed ASI bonuses just tipped the scale even more into imbalance.
Dragonborn and Humans - straight up worst races overall.
Elves - masters of all classes.
Half elves - still keep some elven racial bonuses, but not all and have 1 fewer ASI aka gimped elves.
And f**k off with polearms and light armor. It's not only bad it is boring. More boring that +1 to all ASI, and that says a lot.
All is fixable so easily:
1. Give Half elves their additional +1 ASI 2. Give Shield Dwarves the same 3. Give Variant Human 4. Give Dragonborn some extra features like Darkvision and some dialogue bonuses with persuasion/intimidation
Humans got strait buffed with the 17 to main stat.
Dragonborn can actually play non gimped draconic sorcerers now as well and get the most out of their breath weapon
How on earth you reckon getting a +2 instead of +1 at the cost of +1 in 3 other additional stats baffles me (oh and the one you get for +2 you also get in a fourth stat..). Its not a buff at all, it makes humans less balanced, and makes you have to have more dump stats if anything.
You can easily have a +18 at lvl 4 in any stat you wanted as a human anyway. Your 17 gives diddly squat compared to a 16.
Last edited by Odieman; 19/07/2305:31 PM.
"They say he who smelt it dealt it." Sooo technically... this burnt corpse is your fault officer."